I Hate Feeling Useless!

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"You know what I find sad darlin'!?!"  Muerte asks bending down into a squatting position and looking Stahl in the eyes "I think "your people" are more afraid of me than you!.... after all you are just an outsider.... I have lived here my whole life!.... unlike those two.... and you of course.... I am loved by everyone in this town!.... they know me!.... I know them!.... by name as well as face.... I AM the daughter of the Mayans Oakland Charter Prez after all! I'm also quite close to Otto.... close enough that even HE considers me "like a daughter"!.... which he never had.... so I guess the porn star wife of his is REALLY bad in the sack or they would have a litter of kids by now right!?!.... though because her "best friend" hates me his wife hates me too.... and if you think YOU'RE tough.... hunny you AIN'T seen nothin yet!.... I am ten times worse than you, Gemma and Clay put together so just try me!.... I DARE you!!.... and unless you want matching fingers I suggest you take your li'l fuck buddies and high tail it outta here and pray to whatever devil you worship that I am not here if and whenever you return!.... don't speak just follow orders like a good bitch and get your skanky li'l ass outta the club!"  as Stahl tries to get up Muerte gives her one last warning as she helps her up squeezing Stahl's shoulder as hard as she could.... which is quite hard.... "if ANYTHING happens to Donna, Opie or the kids the bruises you gained today will be the LEAST of your worries! I don't give two shits about Tara that skinny ass weakling who looks to others to protect her instead of learning how to protect herself ain't worth my time!.... after all THAT's why she came running back into Jax's arms right!?!.... so he could protect her from her ATF ex!"  Stahl orders through gritted teeth "let's go.... we're done here"  and she along with the cops that came with her follow.... after Stahl left Muerte walks out of the club Juice jumps up and runs after her "Muerte.... wait up!" Juice calls out to her she turns and a small corner smile slides up her lips and she teasingly asks "still haven't frightened you away huh!?!.... I'll have to try harder next time!"  hearing the tease in her soft tone Juice chuckles "I'm gonna go check up on Donna and the kids.... then probably go home and get some rest.... I have to be to work in a few hours"  she says softly as he takes a step closer and she takes a step back then says "Clay's gonna want you here.... he should consider himself lucky.... even though he had Happy kill my brother I still stood up for him and "his" club!.... I guess I don't owe him a solid anymore!.... though he owes me one that he'll NEVER be able to repay!.... as for Gemma after all she's done to us she's just as lucky as he is probably even more so since hers lasted longer thanks to you!"  she turns back around and walks away.... Donna and the kids weren't home so Muerte went home and tried to take a nap but couldn't because she worried that Donna and the kids might be in danger she calls Jax to tell him of her suspicion but with no solid proof there was nothing he could do.... the next day Muerte drives back to Teller Morrow and walks back into the clubhouse when she entered the club it seemed like no one noticed her arrival as she hears Juice say "somebody paid off a huge chunk of his debt federal wire transfer mortgage, credit cards, car payments"  and Clay reply "this stays between the three of us"  Muerte speaks up allowing her presence to be known "you mean four!?!.... damn it Clay you must be as blind as you are stupid!.... once again you're blowing far too much hot air it's a wonder no one has suffocated in your presence yet!.... you know full well that Ope would never do the things she's making you THINK he has!.... he went to prison and up against his own wife's wishes for your stupid ass!.... but it doesn't surprise me that you'd take things so far out of proportion.... if ANYTHING happens to that family because of you!.... and it WILL be as much YOUR fault as hers.... you pigheaded selfish power starved bastard!"  she clenches her hands into fists as she growls with a dark anger that no one has ever heard from her before and Juice starts to see WHY she constantly NEEDS Happy for even he notices that their darkness tend to balance one another out and make them light again.... he's the ying to her yang.... "they are under MY protection!.... do you understand what that means Clay!?!.... I sure as HELL hope you do!.... I have been civil!.... I have stuck up for you!.... I may not be able to do anything for Otto who's bound to get himself killed for all the things he's done for you and this club but I WILL do whatever I can for THEM!.... that goes for you too Alexander!.... I know how you shadow Clay like a li'l lost and abused pup, you would do ANYTHING for him and he's counting on that!.... but if you follow him into this hole you better bring a really long ladder cause not only will I NOT save you I will NEVER be your friend or count you as family EVER again!"  Tig looks at her in shock as she storms out of the club yet again and once again Juice follows her.... knowing very well where she was going and that he can't follow her he turns back around and heads back inside....

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