💞💕I Love Her! And I Think She Loves Me😘🥰

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The next morning Juice was the first one awake  "damn you're so sexy!"  he whispers.... a little louder than he meant too Muerte's eyes flutter open like little butterfly wings "good morning!"  he hears her soft melodic voice say as she sits up once again covering her voluptuous breasts with the comforter with a smile and he returns her smile with one of his "well we should probably have some coffee before I kick you out and send you packing!.... you do have to go to the club today don't you!?!"  she teasingly asks he jumps up out of bed practically tripping over the blanket as it gets caught on his foot as he whispers "oh shoot!"  he scurries over to where his pants lay crumpled to the floor by the bed and hurriedly tries to put them on she chuckles softly and teases "is being in my company really that bad!?!"  at this time he was trying to put on his jeans he looks at her in surprise and says with a hint of nervousness "nn.... no!.... it's...!"  his quickened pace slows down just a bit as he almost falls over she shakes her head with a smile as she wraps the bed sheet around her like a toga she walks over and helps him finish getting dressed "I do believe the rest is still out there!"  she says pointing to the living room he smiles and nods then walks out to go put the rest of his clothes back on he feels her slap his ass as he walks out of the bedroom and his smile turns into a grin he picks his shirt up off the floor by the couch as well as his kutte and starts to walk back to the bedroom as he puts his shirt back on "I really want to kiss you right now!"  Juice whispers softly as he stands before her sliding one arm into his kutte "what's stopping you!?!"  she whispers softly back with a slight tilt of her head "I might not be able to stop!"  he whispers softly as he slide the other arm through the other sleeve hole "is that a bad thing!?!"  she asks softly "no!"  he says softly with a smile as his hand slides up her cheek he slowly leans in planting a kiss so soft upon her lips that she could barely feel it she felt his lower region pulsate and hers become wet as they break apart "I really should get dressed myself!"  she whispers softly as she starts to become nervous "oh!.... of course!.... I'll.... um....!"  he starts hearing the slight nervousness in her tone and becoming nervous himself he gives her one last kiss and sees her smile which makes his shaft throb slightly and he grips her wrist gently pulling her back to him and he gets what he wants without even trying as their lips lock one last time "the curtains are open!"  he teases then he turns around and starts to walk out of the room he hears her softly chuckle which makes him smile it took him awhile to process that as they pulled apart the sheet came loose and fell to the ground his knees become weak as he turns around and places his body up against the wall near the living room trying to regather his strength before he continued on his way to the kitchen whispering to himself "what have you done to me!?!"....

The stories Gemma's been telling Juice about Muerte are only floating on the surface they haven't completely sunk in yet so the full effect of what may just happen has yet to begin.... Gemma needed everyone on "her side" and away from the "attention grabbing whore" who everyone but her, Wendy, and Clay love to pieces and she knew that the Puerto Rican just might be "gullible" enough to listen to her lies even if and when he sees the truth right in front of him the fact that Gemma doesn't know Muerte should be the first clue that everything she says about her is a lie but Gemma could see that he like Kyle and so many others don't just LIKE her they have fallen in LOVE with her and what Gemma sees as false charms so she knew that it might not be AS easy to get the "gullible" Puerto Rican on "her side".... Gemma hated it when someone else got the attention she thought she deserved as their "queen" and knew full well that Juice was falling in love with the one who stole the most from her.... Gemma was working out a plan to separate them for good and we all know that what the "queen" wants the "queen" gets but for now Juice seems quite content with where he and Muerte are right now Gemma watched as Juice and Muerte got closer and closer to one another he even volunteers at her animal shelter during his free time now and again if there is a time he can be with her he's going to take full advantage of it whether it be at the shelter or playing customer at one of her many other jobs.... she is a woman of many talents she most certainly could do more than any of the Reapers put together when it came to a lot of the day to day jobs that "normal" people have he even remembers the "excuse" she gave him as to why she had so many "normal" jobs.... "my father wanted me to have as close to a normal life as possible but with who I am.... and I'm not talking about my disorder I'm talking about the fact that I am the daughter of THEE Mayan prez! which means I have a "high end" reputation to live up too.... and I do it so well!" Muerte tells Juice with a bit of teasing sarcasm he laughs and she smiles his shaft throbs at the sight of her smile and just to ease the pain of the throbbing he leans over and kisses her lips lightly and to his surprise she answered the kiss she even placed her hand on his thigh and started to massage it gently making him moan "sorry!" she whispers softly with a false apologetic tone and she lets his thigh go he chuckles.... there were even times when Muerte would come to Teller Morrow just to hang with those in the club that she got along with which was how she met Dog who fell in love with her pups and would take care of them if she ever got stuck working in the Auto Shop at first Clay had put her in there thinking that she didn't know shit about fixing vehicles of any type then he got the shock of his life when he found out that she did some of his customers even knew her from when she did custom paint jobs for them or people they knew....

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