🎈🎁🎂 Birthday Boy Bobby🥳🎉🍻

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A few months later Muerte gets invited to Bobby's Birthday Bash which of course meant that she had to go to Teller-Morrow once more she brought along her pups and met a few "new" people a Nomad named Quinn and a Charter Prez named Jury who became ...

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A few months later Muerte gets invited to Bobby's Birthday Bash which of course meant that she had to go to Teller-Morrow once more she brought along her pups and met a few "new" people a Nomad named Quinn and a Charter Prez named Jury who became one of the few she got close to quite quickly they became a member of her "Reaper Fam".... which of course were all men.... Opie.... who was now in jail because Kyle being the coward he is left him to take the blame for a job he and Ope worked together on.... Jax, Bobby, Tig.... who she calls "grandpa" and when she was asked why she calls him "grandpa" she teasingly replied "because you are far more experience then many of the Reapers in the Club when it comes to Sweet Butt, Crow Eater play!"  and everyone who was in the room and heard her reply laughed.... Chibs and Happy.... those are the current members of her Reaper Fam.... it was Bobby himself who invited her to his BDB and was pleasantly surprised that she came to it knowing full well that Gemma and Clay would be there and probably make her stay a living hell.... "I have a question....!"  Quinn starts with a curious tone as he and Jury sit across from Muerte at one of the outdoor picnic tables during Bobby's party a few minutes after they were introduced to her "I have albinism.... that's what you were going to ask right?!.... why I'm so white like a marble statue?!"  Juice who was sitting next to her at the picnic table mutters softly "a sexy statue!"  she rolls her eyes and smiles then continues her eyes not leaving Quinn's amused smiling face "albinism is an inherited disorder where there is little or no production of the pigment melanin in the hair, skin and eyes.... yes I understand that my eyes have nystagmus and roam back and forth a mile a minute so.... if you want to know more Juice could probably give you a better understanding of it.... after all he's the resident hacker and intelligence officer here and I'm sure he looked it up once he found out what I have"  she replies Quinn chuckles "I'm sorry if that came out to harshly!.... it's just.... not ALL people react in "kind" ways too....!"  Muerte says apologetically Quinn interrupts by saying "I understand!.... I kind of put you on the spot with the question.... though I never actually got a chance to ask it!"  she chuckles then replies "just a little.... but I'm used to it!"  Quinn smiles just then Bobby walks over to join them  "where's your snack!?!"  Muerte teases as Bobby walks over Bobby looks at her with a quizzically curious expression on his face "I figured one of the girls would cover themselves up in frosting and become your cake.... though I'd worry about how you blow out your candles!"  she says still teasing Bobby's eyebrow raises and he replies "now there's an idea!"  Muerte says with a chuckle in her voice as she slides off the bench and backs away from the playfully teasing Bobby with a smile on her face "oh no you don't!"  Juice, Jury, Bobby and Quinn chuckle as she walks over to the big bearded man and gives him a hug and says "happy birthday Bobby"  she leans back and sees the "evil" smirk on his face then says as she lets him go and backs away once more "uh oh!.... I gave him an idea! I'd warn them.... but it might be a little too much fun to watch!.... I think there's some frosting in the pantry.... make a game out of it!.... grab a butter knife lick your lips and chase after them!"  Bobby laughs then pretends to sneak away as he heads inside.... a few seconds later there's girly screaming laughter coming from the bar area Jury, Quinn and Juice laugh and they along with Muerte head inside to see Bobby doing just as she "suggested" while holding a jar of frosting as well for that was implied if not said out loud and a few Crow Eaters playfully running away laughing Happy walks up behind Muerte and places his hands on her hips as a way to let her know that he's there "your terrible giving Bobby ideas like that!"  Happy teases "I did no such thing!!"  she defends playfully Happy laughs and kisses her cheek then walks back over to his own Crow Eater Muerte places her hand on her now warm cheek that he had kissed with a surprised look on her face then she smiles as she watches Bobby and as soon as they catch one anothers attention she waves at him and Bobby smiles then she heads back outside.... Juice sees her leave and follows her out "hey.... Muerte.... wait up!!"  he calls out she stops and turns around "where are you going!?!"  he asks "home!.... go get you're own snack!.... I'll be alright"  she replies softly "I don't want them!.... I want you!"  he says sadly "you can't HAVE me!!.... I'm NOT yours!!.... I'm not ANYBODY'S!!.... I'm just a daughter of the "enemy" and in this world that don't mean SHIT!!.... just remember it was YOUR "family" that made us the enemy just because we have a different skin color than you do!.... it's YOUR fault my father and his men have to do things they don't want to do!.... like sell drugs just so we can survive on to the next day and the day after that!.... you say you want me but if I am to make a choice I choose my family ALL THE WAY because your family is full of nothing but heartless BITCHES that are never satisfied unless they get their way!.... I HATE you!!"  she just about shouts Juice walks over to her and his lips rush to meet hers she slaps his face making it snap to the side "Rebel, Demon let's ride!"  she calls out and her two pit bulls bound over to her growling lowly at Juice as they pass him then she turns around and walks away and he watches her leave unsure if he should follow her or not instead just like Bobby he goes back inside and does as she suggests turning the sadness he feels into fuel for a "good fuck"....

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