Thinking Back🤔💭🔙

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Tully watched as Muerte stops and chats with one of the guards he sees her point at him as she hands the guard a mobile phone then walks away and the guard she was talking to walks over to him and hands him the phone he looks down at it and sees that the wallpaper is a Puerto Rican man in a cowboy hat leaning up against a Harley with a grin on his face he opens the messages and reads "meet Juan Carlos Ortiz.... a "smart man" like you should know that I'm speaking of the man who is now the wallpaper of the phone in your hand.... better known as "Juice" to the Sons of Anarchy he's there newest Prospect rising in the ranks faster than I have ever seen any Prospect do.... anywhere!.... he's their intelligence officer and hacker knows his way around drugs and computers.... not the best mix and not all that bright he did join them by his own free will after all!.... but he's also not one who likes to be alone.... you can keep the phone.... your welcome!.... instead of being angry at him you should be grateful that I'm "finally" over you and moving on with my life!.... I've held onto you long enough it's time to let you go and no I don't care if I hurt you after all you hurt me even worse than I ever could hurt you!"  and he chuckles then closes the message and stares at the picture placing his finger over Juice's face on the phones screen caressing it.... Ron Tully had this way of even when he was looking AT you it seemed like he was looking PAST/THROUGH you seeing you even when it seemed like he wasn't it he had always stared at people like that.... but it was just how he looked at something, seeing things without actually seeing them.... it was different when they were dating but after he broke up with her it was as though she actually didn't exist they (Muerte and Tully) were a lot alike being the ones "outside" the crowd the uniquely strange yet wonderful people in their own way inside their own world.... to Muerte's surprise Juice was still wearing the cowboy hat when she walked out of the prison she shakes her head with a chuckle and a smile when she sees him leaning up against his Harley with his arms crossed and a smile of his own when he sees her walk in his direction "did you get a chance to work on your tan!?!"   she teases he chuckles and replies with a smile "a little.... I feel a bit crispy!"  she smiles then climbs onto his Harley he sits down in front of her and she steals the hat off his head and puts it back in the saddlebag "hey!.... I kind of liked wearing that!"  Juice says with a chuckle in his voice "yeah well I'm not gonna go chasing after it if it flies off your head as we ride"  she replies he chuckles as he replies "good point!"  then he drives off he drops her off at her animal shelter then heads towards the club forgetting that the hat was still in his saddlebag.... when Juice walked into the club he looked over at the bar and sees a familiar Crow Eater chatting with another Crow Eater the woman was familiar because Muerte had tattooed a rose with a butterfly on her before right at that very bar.... it was after Kyle had been kicked out but of course Juice wasn't the only one watching her as she worked since Kyle refused to leave.... "wanna learn something new Juan?!"  Muerte calls out Juice looks over in her direction and sees her hold out the tattoo gun in his direction and he smiles he stands up from his chair at the table and walks over to her and gets a small lesson in how to draw and color in a tattoo with Muerte's soft gentle hand guiding him along Kyle watches with a jealous eyes as Muerte presses her body close to Juice's as they work together finishing up the tattoo "I thought I kicked you out!"  Jax says to Kyle rudely as he looks over at him watching Muerte and Juice who paid more attention to the task at hand than at who Jax was scowling at.... Juice and Muerte worked in silence though their bodies seemed to have something else in mind for one another but were they ready for that!?!.... not at that time they weren't.... are they now!?!.... he had no idea he hoped so but he wasn't sure.... Juice and Muerte are becoming closer but they aren't quite at the "dating" stage of their "friendship".... they both were nervous when it came to "going all the way" with one another.... Juice worried that he wasn't worthy of her he wanted to be braver, stronger prove that he is worthy but everything he does seems to keep him in the "friends with occasional benefits".... not FULL benefits but benefits none the less.... relationship with her after all with that little devilish cricket on his shoulder was already starting to make his conscious itch with her lies the angel that once sat there is now silent with really strong duct tape laying across her sexy lips and a locked pad/security lock that had all the "bells and whistles" on it to keep them closed and the devil has yet to shut her mouth filling Juice's already lost mind and heart with as many lies as she could cram inside it made him push Muerte away.... he never wanted to hurt her but he knew that he would at some point in time SOMETHING he did would break her heart.... he saw the pain in her eyes when she saw him with the Crow Eaters and Sweet Butts he flinched every time he heard his SoA nickname come from her lips during the times he pushed her away he missed her calling him by his first name or HER nickname for him "JC"  everything hurt but his heart hurt the most and he would do ANYTHING to make it stop hurting....

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