Family Affair👨‍👩‍👧‍👦

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A few minutes after Jax calls Muerte to help place the guns in the septic guys truck by playing the "sexy distraction" she rides into Teller-Morrow in a skimpy outfit with partly exposed breasts her airbrush tattoo showing and all while the guys p...

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A few minutes after Jax calls Muerte to help place the guns in the septic guys truck by playing the "sexy distraction" she rides into Teller-Morrow in a skimpy outfit with partly exposed breasts her airbrush tattoo showing and all while the guys place the AK's inside Juice became distracted himself as he watched her while he helped put the guns inside the large tank the guys kept having to regain his attention just to get him to keep working though they understood completely who kept gaining his attention and they couldn't help but smile when they were finished Muerte walked away from the septic guy waving at him with just her fingers as she walked over to the others who tried to act casual "is it sad that Septic Sam is gay and I could still keep his attention!.... perhaps Juan would have been a better candidate!?!"  Muerte teases the guys laugh Juice looks at her and smiles Jax wraps his arm around her shoulder and teases back "aww got the little guy wrapped around your li'l finger do you!?!"  Muerte teases back "hell no!!.... that li'l guys all yours!"  Chibs laughs as Jax lightly slaps her shoulder playfully.... as Muerte, Jax, Half-Sack, Bobby and Juice pile onto the picnic table Muerte sits next to Juice just below Jax's legs as he sits on the table itself, Chibs sitting next to Jax, Half-Sack on the other side of Chibs and Bobby standing next to Jax just a few inches away from the table a few seconds later a bunch of cop cars roll in and rush over pulling them off the table and onto the ground "don't you touch her!"  Juice growls angrily getting in the cops face "Juan, it's alright.... don't make things worse.... please!"  Muerte begs softly meeting his eyes he calms down as they are pushed roughly to the ground Muerte lays inbetween Juice and Jax Muerte couldn't help it as she bursts out laughing and Juice joins in "you smell nice"  Kip compliments the female ATF agent who now walks in front of them Muerte teases Juice "he's talking about you!.... thank the man Juicey!"  Juice smiles at her and says "uh!.... oh!.... right!.... thank you Half-Sack!"  he continues to laugh as Jax shakes his head with a smile the female ATF agent looks down at Muerte and sees her Mayan logo tramp stamp and her eyebrow raises curiously "yes a Mayans daughter is dating a Reaper!.... you got a problem with that!?!"  Muerte asks sarcastically feeling the woman's eyes on her "no.... not at all!.... I'm just curious which one you.... ah I see!"  the woman replies and she sees the surprised look on Juice's face at Muerte's words and answers her own question before she finishes answering it out loud.... after the ATF agent and the cops leave Muerte stays and helps clean up "it'll be alright.... Demon and Rebel are with Donna.... besides dad doesn't like me being alone ever since I got raped just in case I break down unexpectedly.... I also got the day off with ALL my jobs so you might as well take advantage of my kindness while you can!.... besides with me in this outfit and my skin being so terrible in the sun!"  Muerte tells Jax who chuckles then says "I got some extra...."  she replies "which are all over the floor and going to need to be washed!.... I'll be fine Princey!.... besides just because this Mayan is datin a Reaper doesn't mean she wants to DRESS like one!"  he laughs then shakes his head and hugs her shoulder, kisses her temple then says "thanks!"  she smiles at him.... after the septic guy left Muerte had changed out of her skirt/shorts and and put on a pair of pants and a shirt.... that Juice not only got for her but were actually his and CLEAN!!.... though she could somewhat stand the female ATF agent that watched over them while they laid on the ground she wasn't fond of the male one who helped trash the club.... who was also the cop she wanted to stay away from at Gemma's "Taste of Charming" fundraiser.... and was somewhat glad he went and stayed inside while they were there Juice made sure that Muerte got home before dark and to his surprise he even got a goodnight kiss out of the deal he smiled the whole way back to the club as the memory of her soft lips on his lingered in his mind and on his skin the smile didn't disappear until he smelled the stench of the septic tank when he, Kip and Chibs went to get the guns back....

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