Payback's A B***h

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A few minutes later Jax, Bobby, Clay, Tigg, Half-Sack, Juice, Muerte and Kyle walk into the garage "where's the knuckle?"  Kyle asks looking around at the empty garage then at the group surrounding him like a pissed of swarm of bees his hungry eyes land on Muerte "right here!"  she growls punching him in the face knocking him into the chains he was to be hung on Bobby and Tigg stand next to the contraption waiting for the right moment as Muerte looks at Clay and shrugs as she says "hey!.... he asked!"  Clay chuckles he remembers how much power her delicate fist has in it and she was "gentle" with him not so much with Kyle for he believes she may have broke something "take your shirt off"  Jax orders trying to control his anger Kyle chuckles like he can't believe what he's hearing as Muerte turns away not wanting to see it all over again Juice wraps her in his arms and though she jumps at the comforting feeling she allows it cause she knows and trusts the man holding her hiding her head in his chest as his arms lay across her back "come on Jax"  Kyle complains Juice feels Muerte's body tremble and not in a good way when she hears Kyle's voice what's worse is that she jumps when she hears Jax yell "take it off"  Juice rubs her back trying to calm her once more not being able to hold back any longer after seeing how Muerte reacted to what has now transpired Tigg and Bobby both grab Kyle and pull the shirt off his body for him and not in a "polite" way "you son of a bitch! you see that?"  Bobby hollers Muerte has never heard Bobby raise his voice before clings tighter to Juice gripping the lips of his kutte as Kyle says as he slides his hands over his hair "I'm sorry"  he turns to Clay and says "I'm sorry Clay I know I was supposed to black it out I tried man I went a bunch of times and I couldn't-"  Muerte scoffs knowing very well that he was lying as he continues begging "I couldn't do it"  being the only one who doesn't know that Kyle was a part of the group that raped Muerte Clay replies "I'm surprised that they had to take your shirt off for you!.... seeing that the girl you always drooled over and tried to claim as yours even though you knew that would never happen stands in this very room!"  Muerte turns around her hands lay flat on Juice's knees as though making sure he's still there and says in a dark tone with a even darker look in her eyes "you know what I think?!.... I think you knew how people treat a reject like you!.... someone who betrays the men they're suppose to call their family!.... you live off the attention you gained when you were a Crow.... that was the only thing you cared about!.... the "Sweet Butts" and "Crow Eaters" inside and outside of the club.... you think you're "gods gift to women" a "holier than thou" asshole who ABUSED what the club gave him!.... if you ask me you never should have gained the Reaper at all whoever gave you the "club is your family" speech and brought you in is an idiot for ever believing in your sorry ass!.... I'm betting that little blonde bimbo you "showed off" at the fundraiser was only with you because she believed you still had your "in" with the club! I wonder what she would have done if she ever found out how WORTHLESS you really are!.... you do realize that there are female tattoo artist out there right!?!.... hell even I'M one!.... if you came to Irish Freddy's and made an appointment you might have been able to actually get a girl to TOUCH you whether she was willing to do so or not!.... I know I would never be willing but I know how to at least ACT professional if Freddy ever asked me to black you out.... if I were you Clay next time someone is "allowed" to leave I would contact all the tattoo parlors in and around town and have them report in if and when someone does or doesn't get theirs blacked out or have a club member do it.... it's what my father does!.... it's also the one of the reasons I started working at Freddy's he has friends who owns other parlors and can find out that kind of information if necessary"  Clay raises an eyebrow at her as Kyle turns to Jax with pleading eyes "this is the only thing I have left Jax please I'm sorry"  Clay asks "fire or knife"  Kyle looks from Clay to Jax begging for mercy that he will never receive "answer him"  Jax says indifferently still doing his best to hold his anger and not kill the "man" right then and there as Muerte walks over to his side and places her hand in his and says pointedly there was a heavy darkness full of hate and disgust in her tone as she stares into Kyle's eyes with the same hateful darkness in her eyes "I'd say both!.... but then it isn't my choice.... is it Kyle!?!... it never was!"  Kyle looks at her in shock then pleadingly at Jax as he begs nodding his head panting heavily "Jax"  Clay chuckles he loves the darkness within the girl and has tried forever to bring it out after all her being friends with Happy proves how dangerous she truly can be Kyle pants then exhales sharply then mutters "fire"  Tigg says "all right"  and he walks over to the blow torch gets it ready and brings it over Jax goes to give Kyle his bottle of liquor but Muerte snatches it out of his hands "is this the cheap stuff?!.... he should have something to show what he is to us!"  she asks as she looks down at the bottle then continues "though he doesn't deserve it!.... besides.... didn't he drink enough already inside the club!?!.... looking at the size of his nonexistent bulge I'd say not!.... but still!"  she says with a darkness in her tone "hey Tig!.... you do the back I'll do the front!"  Kyle looked at her in shock then confusion as she spoke then his eyes widen when he figures out what she means "nuh nuh nuh no!!!!"  he stammers as Bobby and Piney grip his arms and chain him up "what!?!.... it isn't like anything exists down there!.... you need a powerful microscope just to see it it's so small!"  Muerte says as she takes out her switch blade opens it and taps her chin gently as though thinking "I bet that's why you always come from behind so you don't embarrass yourself with how nonexistently tiny it is!.... I'm sure that you have to bring a dildo with you every time you try just to try an fool the sorry piece of shit that takes you in!.... a bottle of Viagra and Jack couldn't even help you get it up and keep it there!"  Muerte points out and Clay starts to understand why everyone was so hot headed and on edge waiting as patiently as possible to cause this idiot that now stands chained up undeniable pain Tigg lights up the blow torch ready to go and walks the rest of the way over to Kyle Muerte gives Tigg a swig of the liquor then pours the rest onto Kyle's back "who doesn't need a good lube!?!"  she asks looking at Tigg who smiles dangerously at her.... not BECAUSE of her but because of how much he was going to enjoy causing Kyle pain for causing her pain....

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