His Jealous Nature

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Now adays Juice spent more time at Muerte's house then he did his own he thought about selling his place and just move in but then he talked himself out of it.... mainly because he didn't want Gemma or Clay knowing where she lived.... it didn't help that she had the man cave of every man's dreams in her garage it had tools, weights, a punching bag.... that she got from Lumpy.... PlayStation, Wii, Xbox and many other gaming consoles including a Virtual Reality one along with just about every game in creation to go along with each console, a fridge full of beer, a bar full of liquor, the largest t.v. any man has ever seen up against one of the walls with a leather couch and a few recliners.... which the guys steal when there's a major sports game on.... she had it put in there for when her father and brother come over and the Mayans have even had a few meetings within it.... there's a separate room with a long table and extremely comfortable chairs in it for that very purpose.... it is said that the Mayans spend more time in her garage than in their original meeting place.... which is somewhat true.... a few weeks before Otto's birthday Muerte gets a surprised visitor at her house "Happy!.... need some Juice huh!?!"  Muerte teases when she opens the door to her home and sees the sexy bald muscular tattooed man standing on the other side with a smile on his face and two pit bulls at his heels Juice chuckles and hears Happy laugh as he (Happy) walks inside and automatically makes himself at home but not before he picks her up in a loving hug "oh how I've missed you!"  Happy's naturally gruff smokey voice says as he smiles up at her she places her forehead on his "I miss me too Hap!.... has it really been a month since we last saw each other!?!"  she teasingly asks Happy chuckles as he lets her slide down his muscular body she lifts up the side of his shirt "I wanna see Hap!"  she gently traces each smiley face with the tip of her finger and his body quivers at her soft touch she fakes disappointment and says "I expected to see more!"  Happy laughs then replies "I'm working on it!"  she looks up at him and smiles planting a kiss on his cheek she whispers in a tantalizing way "you better!"  she playfully bites his ear and he smiles at that moment Marcus walks into the house Muerte looks at her father and teasingly asks "father daughter bonding time already!?!.... oh alright!.... I suppose.... if I must!"  Marcus chuckles shaking his head at her "alright off to work with you two!.... have fun now!.... and TRY to come back in one piece!.... oh and Cobra when you come back if you're not too tired.... which you never are!.... we can finish up my tattoo"  she says as she waves the two chuckling men out the door then she and Marcus head to her garage and spend some quality time together just her, him and the pups.... "aren't you worried....!?!"  Marcus asks "I'm not going to change who I am or how I treat people just because he'll get jealous and the stories his "Reina Madre" tells him!"  Muerte replies somewhat harshly Marcus chuckles "gosh!.... I think you need something a bit stronger than beer!.... I mean you can drink it for me right!?!.... since I don't drink that stuff myself!"  she teases as she stands up and takes the now empty bottle out of his hand he chuckles then replies with a smile "sure!.... I think I can do that!"  she laughs then walks over to the bar and pours him a shot of Honey Jack then she walks back over to him placing the shot glass on the table beside him and the bottle next to the shot then sits back down.... Muerte was never one for drinking or drugs she even hated clothes but the only time she could get away with not wearing any was when she was in bed though technically she was still covered she always teased that she should live in a nudist colony somewhere which always received a few playfully raised eyebrows from whatever came from the very active imagination of her Mayans and SoA family whenever it was mentioned which she could guess what it might have been.... being the free spirit who always spoke her mind and never cared what anyone else thought or how they reacted she didn't care about other people's opinions sometimes she spoke using her words and sometimes using her fists.... depending on whatever mood she was in at that particular time.... she never lied and didn't like liars.... Juice always watched how Muerte acted around the others within the Sons of Anarchy.... she was the closest to Otto, Jax, Chibs, Tig, and Bobby in the Charming Charter.... she got along quite well with Opie for the few minutes she got to spend with him.... but she trusted Bobby, Chibs, Happy and Quinn the most out of all of them.... Happy and Quinn are her over protective brothers that would kill to keep her safe Chibs became her Reaper father, Otto her uncle.... which is odd because she's known Otto longer than she's known Chibs.... Bobby is the overbearing yet still lovable cousin and Tig is well.... Tig even with his overly perverted ways you couldn't help but love him....

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