Pain And Heartbreak💔

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"I was raped!"  Muerte explains while Juice was at the reception desk all the men look at her in shock "I don't know by who.... they kept their faces and bodies covered so I can guess that they may have had recognizable tattoos.... they didn't speak.... though they moaned.... an awful lot!"  she says ending with a sarcastic tone she shakes her head then continues "they kept me drugged.... and beat me!" Jax looks at her reassuringly and says "it's ok!.... we'll find them!"  Chibs pipes up "you bet your ass we will!"  Muerte smiles at them through the pain she feels not knowing who did this to her and she says as though to assure them and herself "I'll be ok!.... with protectors like you guys how can I not be!?!"  Bobby cracks a smile and teases "knights in shiny leather huh!?!"  Muerte chuckles then replies "yours is a bit more.... rustic Elvis"  the guys laugh "dad?!"  Muerte says in a low voice as she looks up at her father and brother and she continues in the same tone "you should call mom!.... she needs to know!.... she's tougher than the two of you give her credit and she'll kill you if you don't let her know!"  Marcus chuckles then walks away to call his wife "does mom have a Class M or Class MJ driver license?!"  Muerte asks Esai her brothers eyes widen then he rushes out of the hospital and heads towards the car to go pick up their mother Marcus walks over and watches at his son leave with a confused expression on his face "we weren't sure if mom has the proper license to drive your Harley so he....!"  Muerte tells him and he laughs.... when Muerte is given a room Marcus is the one who carries her in she gives the doctors as much details as she could remember so they knew what sort of tests they would have to do she also pulls away from the nurse as she tries to put a needle in her arm "what part of "they drugged me" do you not understand!?!"  Muerte asks harshly "I understand that you're "just doing your job" but you'll have to do it WITHOUT the needle!.... do you see this!?!"  she asks the nurse pointing to little dots on her neck that looked almost like freckles "that's how many times they placed their own in my neck to "keep me under control"!.... I don't know if you realize this but on a "good day" I'm scarier than the snake over there!"  Muerte adds waving her hand at Happy who stands outside her room with a small smile on his face after being called "snake" the nurses eyes widen in fear as she looks from Muerte to Happy then back "if you need anything done you ask the Scott he's the only one out of all of you that I will allow to touch me!.... I know he doesn't work here but he knows the basics and can learn anything you need him to learn to help you out which you will need if you want to get anything done!"  Muerte adds and the nurse scurries out to find the doctor which makes both Chibs.... who stands next to Happy.... and Happy chuckle "sorry Chibs!"  Muerte says softly "what are you sorry for luv?!"  Chibs asks with a chuckle in his voice "I did sort of put you on the spot! but do they honestly believe I am going to answer to a bunch of strangers!?!.... after all I just went through!?! you'd think they'd have people who deal with this sort of thing on their employ somewhere!"  she replies Chibs chuckles but there was a sadness in his eyes as her words sunk in.... Muerte spends the next few weeks in the hospital getting more leather clad visitors.... Son and/or Mayan.... than the hospital staff can handle but for Muerte's sake the guys keep their rowdiness to a minimum and the staff was grateful for that.... they also came two at a time.... "I lost her pop!"  Muerte says sadly to Marcus who sits on the edge of her hospital bed and hugs her gently as the tears start to flow down her face she didn't know that Juice was standing in the doorway listening hearing those words Juice's heart broke he swings his body back out of the room and his back hits the wall which he slides down as he starts crying.... Juice acted unsure and shy when he visited.... though he, Marcus, Esai, Chibs, Quinn.... after he found out and came to visit.... and Happy were the only ones who could get her to sleep.... and just as Muerte "ordered" poor Chibs became a "full fledged" doctor that was "just for her" he even had to do her pap smear and though he seemed to enjoy the experience of learning how to do it properly and got it right on the first try.... the Scotsman used a calm soothing tone and touch letting her know when and what he was doing.... the only part he hated was seeing her flinch and hearing her suck in a breath as the speculum and cytobrush touched her.... "Juice!"  Muerte says with a soft surprised tone as she sees him walk through her hospital room door it didn't matter how many times he visited she was always surprised.... yet happy to see him "did Happy finally go home!?!"  she teases Juice chuckles softly "I think so"  he replies "you CAN come in you know!?!.... I don't bite!.... the nurses may nibble a bit though!.... and not very gently either!"  she teases he chuckles as he walks in the rest of the way and sits in the chair beside her bed and the nurse that came in to check up on her shakes her head with a small smile then leaves "they're getting worried.... I don't sleep unless you, pop, esé, Chibs, Quinn or Hap are here with me.... waking up in an unfamiliar dark place is not a good idea right now!"  Muerte says softly with a hint of sadness in her voice "I.... feel kind of bad that all I do is sleep when you are here but....!"  she adds "no!.... no Muerte!.... it's alright!.... I-I don't even know what to talk about when I come.... but I have to!.... I have.... WANT to see you!"  Muerte says in a low soft voice "if it wasn't for my insomnia I might have been out of here already!.... but there's no place safe for me.... not when I'm in this state of mind!.... the club is full of horny drunk men.... yes it's pretty much the same in any biker club!"  Juice chuckles she lays down and closes her eyes and tries to fall asleep but unlike the last few times when he was here she couldn't "who else is here?!"  she asks "Chibs"  he replies "can you have him come in please!?!.... I can't....!"  she asks Juice nods and with a sadness in his eyes he trades places with Chibs.... Chibs never said a word as he walked over to the chair that Juice just left and he started to comb his hand through her hair as she softly started to fall asleep....

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