No Clownin 🤡 Around

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Without Muerte's knowledge Chibs called Happy and let him know what had transpired that night.... all anyone had to say was that Muerte needed him no matter what the reason was he would stop whatever he was doing and ride off as fast as his Harley would allow speed tickets be damned every cop everywhere hated stopping Happy when he was off to rescue his "Viper".... Happy stormed into the club and wrapped Muerte in his arms as tightly as he dared Muerte's body jolted in surprise more than fear this time for she didn't expect Happy to be around "Cobra!?!"  Muerte says with a soft surprised tone "are you alright!?!"  Happy softly asks his gruff yet smooth smokey husky voice felt like velvet next to her ear she nods he takes her hand in his and gently pulls her towards the door "come on!.... this isn't the place for you to be right now so we're going to Lumpy's!"  he tells her as she allows him to lead him wherever he wished she smiles as Demon and Rebel come bounding over to where they are and follow them out.... "is that Opie's truck!?!"  Muerte asks as she and Happy pass by a grocery store a few minutes later "pull over!"  she orders even though he was confused Happy did as she asks "come on boys!"  Muerte says as she climbs off her Knucklehead Rebel and Demon hop out of their side cars and follow her into the store that Opie's truck was parked in front of as they walk in they hear one of the store clerks say to Donna who waits patiently in line "I'm sorry Mrs. Winston we can't take your checks anymore the last two bounced"  Donna turns and looks at the man then says "ok I uh- I'll just pay cash"  the clerk walks away with a forced smile on his face as Donna starts rummaging through her groceries to see what she can and can't buy at the moment then she hears Muerte's soft voice say "here!"  and she sees a hundred dollar bill being placed in front of her "no!.... I can't!"  Donna says softly "it isn't charity Don!.... you're being hired to pupsit and I'm paying you in advance!.... I've got a "date" with a Loman and some boxing gloves and they'll either get too excited and want to join in or start to worry and stand on the attack and since we're going to Lumpy's I'd rather not get kicked out for not being able to keep my pups under control.... not that he would do that but still!"  Muerte says muttering the last bit Donna chuckles with a smile then says softly "ok!.... thanks!"  Muerte smiles at her then says "Rebel, Demon.... protect!"  her eyes meet Gemma's who was also waiting in line and she says to Donna "oh and they're used to riding in their side cars so if you'd like to have then ride in the back over taking all the room in the front they should be fine"  Donna chuckles "keep 'em for a few days.... make 'em earn that buck!.... maybe I can actually rest for a change while they're gone!"  Muerte teases once again ending with a teasing mutter as she waves at a now smiling Donna who waves back and walks back out of the store and over to where Happy waits for her on her Harley with a confused look on his face it wasn't until he saw Donna with Demon and Rebel at her side that he somewhat understood what she did and he smiles as Muerte climbs on behind him placing her hands once again on his shoulders and they ride off to Lumpy's without anymore pit stops along the way.... after a few hugs and a hello from Lumpy and crew they hopped into the ring and relieved as much stress as they could from their bodies something about spending time with Happy always calmed the darkness within Muerte now more than ever ever since her rape she could feel the darkness become even darker Juice didn't deserve that he couldn't HANDLE it he's by far too soft Happy wasn't he was hard gentle when he "had" to be but in a way he was his own form of darkness and at that moment that is what she needed cause unlike Happy she had no CONTROL over her darkness for she had never brought it out as freely as he brings his out before Happy was the one who HELPED her control it for he was DEFINITELY in control of his though I'm sure the jobs he did for the Sons helped with that he was their "danger man" and Happy would NEVER allow her to do the things HE does he doesn't want her to become THAT even though she would be great at it possibly even better than him he's SEEN her darkness he's the ONLY one who's seen it in it's fullest extent for he "lets" it come out when it's just the two of them he "LETS" her hurt him something about her darkness rejuvenates him.... "I half expected that you would take me to the Jellybean!"  Muerte teases Happy when he takes her out for lunch after they blew off some steam at Lumpy's he chuckles then teases back "nah!.... you deserve better than that something more.... high class!"  she replies with a smile "I should take you to Diosa's then"  he looks at her oddly "it's an escort service.... Arcadio's cousin.... who is one of my Godfathers owns it"  she explains he smiles "if you do go becareful of Carla.... she's Nero's half-sister who has a slightly obsessive crush on him.... and she HATES me! about as much as Gemma, Clay, Tara and Wendy do"  she tells him he chuckles "his name is Hector Salazar"  Muerte tells Happy out of the blue Happy was in the middle of taking a bite out of his sub when she spoke and he set it down then asks "who the Aryan!?!"  she scoffs then says "no.... the Calaveras asshole!.... somehow Hale got wise and moved the bodies early.... Hector was sent to Stockton where he learned a lesson he will not soon forget!.... the shot callers name is Ron Tully.... I haven't spoke to him in years and I don't plan too!"  he looks at her sadly but she goes back to eating her sub and not saying another word and he does the same....

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