One Step Closer To Loving You💋👩🏻‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏻😘👩🏻‍❤️‍👨🏻

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Luckily that wasn't the only time Juice saw Muerte and actually interact with her the next time he saw her came to a bar/club she was bartending at with a few of his Reaper buddies.... namely Jax, Otto, Tig, Happy, Opie and Chibs.... Muerte looked up as the loud mouthed laughing men came in "Amelia I'm going to take my break"  Muerte calls out to one of her fellow employees who nods at her then walks over to the bar to take her place Muerte walks around the bar and rushes over to Otto jumping into his arms with a smile on her face "Uncle Otto!"  Muerte calls out happily as she rushes over to him Otto chuckles softly as soon as he feels her jump into his arms and her arms wrap around his neck "well if it isn't the Killa Cobra!"  Muerte teases as soon as she lowers herself back down to the floor her eyes search Happy who just happened to be standing next to Otto also checking her out "there's my Vivacious Viper!"  Happy replies with a smile as they give one another a hug "hey JC!"  Muerte says as she looks over and smiles at Juice who blushes as he replies softly with a smile "hey!"   Otto looks at the two of them curiously "not sure why you chose this bar over all the others but since you're here and I'm on my break I'm borrowing the Killa for a bit"  Muerte says as she takes Happy's hand and pulls him over to where a band was playing and people were dancing Otto chuckles softly shaking his head at them he knew why she took Happy everyone knows how dangerous the man is but not very many people know how dangerous she can be they all think that because she looks like a delicate little flower in many peoples eyes.... no not because of her disorder but because of her sexy vivacious lissome figure.... the first thing Otto noticed was the look of jealousy in Juice's eyes as he watched her and Happy walk away the fact that Happy willingly allowed her to lead him wherever she wished but what man in their right mind wouldn't do such a thing?! especially with the coquettish way she acts when she's around Happy "who is that!?!"   Jax asks Otto after he and the gang were served their first round of beers.... courtesy of some not so secret admirers who may have been trying to get in Jax's pants but unfortunately they weren't blond..... "Muerte Alvarez Marcus Alvarez's daughter"  Otto replies Jax who was taking a sip of his beer just about chocks on it as he says with a shocked tone "Alvarez has a DAUGHTER!?!"  Otto just smiles "but she's.... white!?!"  Opie says confused "she has albinism"  Juice informs them Jax and Opie look at him in surprise "how do you know that?!"  Jax asks "I met her when I went with Bobby to his gig.... she has quite a voice!"  Juice says with a soft sigh "you wouldn't be talking about me would you!?!"  they hear a now familiar soft alluring silvery teasing tone ask seeing Juice blush Jax smiles then teases back "as a matter of fact we were!"  Muerte replies "well I must be privileged if the Prince of SAMCRO takes the time out of his precious life to speak about li'l ol me!.... too bad you're not my type nor worthy of my time!"  Tig spits out the drink he was about to swallow as he laughs "well I need to get back to work thanks for the dance Hap!.... shall I refill those for you?!"  she asks pointing to the half empty beer bottles Otto nods she leans forward and takes the bottles the men were still holding onto then walks away from the table bottles in hand Otto could have sworn he heard her mutter while looking down at the bottles and shaking her head "cheapo's!"   and he chuckles for the women who bought the bottles for them look at her with narrowed eyes as they stomp their feet like children insulted by her words.... a few seconds later she comes back with a bottle of Jack a bottle of absinthe and some glasses Happy's eyes shine when he sees the bottle of absinthe get placed before him "happy birthday Cobra"  Muerte says with a smile "thank you Viper"  Happy replies with a smile Juice's eyes widen he had no idea it was Happy's birthday "tell your mom I said 'hi' and give her this for me when you see her"  she says as she bends down and places a light soft kiss on his temple "you choose where it goes though!"  she teases he chuckles then says "will do!"  and he watches her walk away with a smile....

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