You Can't Fix ⚒ What's Broken💔🏚

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That night Muerte wakes up to her cell vibrating in her pocket she wakes up Juice as he feels her slide out of his arms and climb out of the hospital bed he watches her as she walks into the rooms tiny bathroom and shuts the door.... "hello!?!.... Jax!?!.... is everything alright!?!.... how did the vote go?!..... oh!.... are you alright!?!.... yeah!.... sure!.... I'll see you in the morning.... night Jax"  she says as she hangs up and walks out of the bathroom she hears Juice ask softly with a concerned tone "is everything alright!?!"  she looks down at her phone and replies "Gemma told Jax and Clay about her fake rape.... but more "real".... she'll do anything to make herself feel like she's in control!.... she must have heard about Jax's plan to go Nomad and with a unanimous vote to let him leave.... he knows enough not to believe Clay's lies.... but his own mother!"  Juice lowers his head to try and look into her eyes and says softly "come here!"  she slowly walks over to his outreached hands which he wraps around her body and pulls her onto the bed with him once she is close enough "you surprised me Juan, when I told you my suspicions I thought.... I thought you didn't believe me! when you didn't say anything.... I'm still unsure!....  especially after spending all those years listening to her lies over my truths!.... you, Hap, Quinn, Otto and dad are the only ones I told.... I tell you five everything!.... and they never know that I tell either of you anything.... if I didn't tell anybody I'd be even worse off than I already am!"  she whispers softly Juice holds her tightly to him then they hear one of the nurses say "what are you still doing here!?!.... visiting hours ended hours ago!"  Muerte softly chuckles Juice smiles then Muerte says "I better go! or she might keep you here even longer just out of spite!.... I think somebody's got a crush on you!"  she winks and he blushes then she smiles lands one more small kiss on his lips "Demon can stay if he wants.... I come by everyday anyway so....!"  Muerte says Demon barks happily making Juice laugh "well I guess that answers that!"  Muerte teases she blows them a kiss which Juice catches with his hand and Demon licks up.... by licking the air.... then with a smile and wave she walks out of the room.... the next morning Muerte was working at Teller-Morrow when Juice rides in with Bobby and Chibs.... who has Demon's side car connected to his Harley and Demon within it.... she smiles and rushes to Juice giving him a hug as soon as she sees him he smiles and wraps his arms around her as soon as he felt her jump into his arms her knees bending near his hip "you never....!"  she says softly he smiles then says "surprise!?!"  she laughs softly and slides down off his body "they're in church waitin for you"  she tells them then she gives Chibs and Bobby a hug then the three men walk towards the clubhouse.... when they come out of church Muerte was behind the bar serving the members that were around and she hears Chibs holler over to her as the guys walk out of church "hey gorgeous!.... you got a stock we can raid!?!"  she looks up and smiles "how'd you know about that!?!"  she teases he chuckles "you remember that button I told you not to push?!.... go push it!"  she tells him Chibs claps his hands excitedly "oh ho!.... and that is why we love you girl!"  she replies "I thought it was for my "secret" alcohol stash!"  he says with a smile "well there's that too!"  she chuckles and he rushes over and kisses her forehead then playfully smacks her ass as he passes by her she shakes her head with a smile and mutters playfully "he does love pushing my buttons!"  Bobby laughs as she looks over at Half Sack "you better go with him Kip!.... and take the van.... there's quite a lot in there!"  Kip jumps then rushes out of the club she looks over at Juice and tells him "Uncle Otto and I have watched way too many spy movies as I was growing up.... there's a purple button on the remote that moves the wall in the man cave where he keeps his collection.... their just sitting there collecting dust.... they might as well go for whatever cause this is!"  he chuckles....

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