😇Good Karma Bad Karma😈

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"Muerte get your ass in here!"  Muerte hears Clay bellow from inside church she smiles then sets her cup down on the bar and walks into the room "you're actually allowing the "enemy" to come to church!?! I'm shocked Clay!!"  Muerte teases sarcastically with false surprise in her tone as she places her hand over her heart the guys chuckle as Clay stares at her with a dark expression of hate on his face as she walks over to where Juice sits and slides onto his lap so that she now sits sideways on it making Clay even more unhappy as Juice smiles at her "explain NOW!!"  Clay orders waving his hand over the table "I told you Clay I don't owe you an explanation!.... after all what in the past five years have you ever done for me to gain my trust and respect that make you worthy of such a thing!?!.... absolutely nothing!!"  Muerte replies leaning forward as though to get a better look at the ugly man Clay grits his teeth "alright what's going on!?!"  Jax asks Muerte looks over at Jax and says "some of the perpetrators have been taken care of some haven't.... the ones that haven't are being taken care of MY way!.... death is too easy for them!"  Jax's eyes widen in surprise for he now sees the full picture and he asks with a surprised tone "you mean the girls in the warehouse....!?!?!?!"   she replies with a dark hateful tone "belong to a Calaveras asshole who was a part of the rape!"  every man around the table look at her in surprise as she continues "when I visited Otto after I got out of the hospital I asked for his assistance on a few things.... but he wasn't the only one listening.... my shockingly overprotective ex who has been in prison since he was nineteen and has more pull in more prisons than any man anywhere is "helping".."  the mens surprise turns to shock "and just who is the "ex" of yours!?!"  Clay asks "an Aryan Brotherhood shot caller who now lives in and out of Stockton depending on which prison he's needed the most"  she replies and the guys looked like their eyes just might bulge out of their heads at any given moment "well.... if you're done with me I left my pups with Kip so I'll be going to make sure they haven't licked the skin off his face!"  Muerte says standing up then she walks out of the room Jax shakes his head at her with a half smile on his face.... with all the information her fathers wanna-be Prospect gave her on Salazar she had enough pull to get him arrested even if Clay ruins things with the Mexican illegals speaking of illegals Muerte worked it out so that the ones that Tig had a taco twofer with were able to move out of Charming and get a "better" job somewhere else.... just in case Clay did try something stupid.... Muerte sits at the picnic table with her father as he waits for the leader of the Nordics an asshole by the name of Ernest Darby eating a tamale and drinking a bottle of water chatting and smiling Muerte's smile disappears as soon as the balding white guy walks over to them Muerte stands up sliding her fingers up her fathers arm then wrapping her arm around his neck in a hug as she leans down and kisses his cheek if anyone were to see them they would think that they were a couple being a little overly affectionate with one another in a public place.... which is what Marcus wanted Darby to think.... it wasn't the first time they played this act and it won't be their last but they never went any further than that little move.... though she has hung her arm around him for longer periods than the present one.... all Marcus wanted to know was if Darby was one of the men who raped, drugged and beat her last year after all he did sell drugs so it would have been easy for him to obtain whatever they used on her for those six months the light wind that blew in their direction sent Darby's disgusting scent their way but it was in no way familiar to Muerte so the white man was safe.... for now.... for even though he didn't partake in her rape Marcus could tell that she didn't like the white dude who looked quite pissed off as he strutted over to them.... well him since Muerte was walking away with both Rebel and Demon at her heels....

 well him since Muerte was walking away with both Rebel and Demon at her heels

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