Feeding The Fire 🔥Within Then Signing Your Own Confession📝

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**** yes I realize that my new chapter pic/gif is Theo as Shades in Luke Cage but his words seem to fit this chapter soo I'm using it 😏😉😜😁****

**** yes I realize that my new chapter pic/gif  is Theo as Shades in Luke Cage but his words seem to fit this chapter soo I'm using it 😏😉😜😁****

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****👆🏽what the chapter pic/gif was before☝🏽****

👆🏽Muerte's dress choices for those who forgot ☝🏽

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👆🏽Muerte's dress choices for those who forgot ☝🏽

"So what's this about THREE Delaney's bit!?!"  Happy asks once they reach Muerte's place and were standing in front of her front door "by birth Luann is my mother but she didn't want to raise a "death child".... Diana had just had Esai and Otto didn't want to lose me so he asked her and Marcus if they would adopt me.... yes I call him "uncle" and at first it hurt.... I suppose in a way it still does but he understands.... Marcus and Diana will always be "mom" and "dad" to me.... they raised me, love me as I am and never did they once even think about giving me away!.... Luann was told that I didn't make it so she never knew.... no one knows!.... not the Reapers or the tribal demons.... having my disorder comes in handy since I'm "meant" to be this white no one asks any questions!"  she replies Happy looks at her and without thinking he slides both his hands through her hair on both sides of her face as he lowers his head and kisses her lips at first she was confused then all of the sudden nothing mattered but feeling his lips on hers again so once his left hers hers pressed up against his with a desperation that wasn't just hungry but starving her hands tear his kutte off then pull his shirt off up over his head as he opens her door and walks inside her house her hands grip his pants starting with his belt then the button and zipper letting them fall to the floor then his boxers he walks towards the couch answering her as she walks with him falling down onto it her hands caress every inch of his chest he lands on top of her gently and rips Juice's now bloody hoodie and her sexy dinner dress off in a animalistic frenzy for he couldn't wait to be able to touch her soft smooth bare skin once her dress was off his fingers and lips caress every inch of her body feeding the hunger he has felt since.... forever.... remembering that she was raped last year he tested her first he was always fast and hard when he made love to someone letting them feel the full force his penetrating muscular body but with her he started out slow sliding in just two of his fingers finding her "special spot" and rolling them around it kissing her lips, neck and breasts hearing her moan his fingers pressed harder moved faster all around inside her her short nails dug into his back as they moved up and over his shoulders adding to his already excited body his lips move down to take over for his fingers he looks up at her as her body arches at the feel of him all over her his lips teeth and tongue dug inside her nibbling, sucking and licking every bit of juice that she gifted him thoroughly enjoying his desert his thumb of one hand circles over her clit as his lip and tongue feast on her core and his other hand plays with her breast he could feel her body become excited as her moans became louder more desperate for something MORE and that's what he gave her he climbs up on top of her with a alluring growl telling her that he wants the same thing and slides himself inside once again this time with his huge hard cock making her gasp softly at the size and feel of it he starts off slow then once she becomes used to him he goes faster and harder pushing in deeper with each thrust his hands and teeth played with her breasts and erect nipples kissing, nibbling and sucking on them when his lips went back to meet hers his hands rubbed and pinched them playfully making her giggle softly he nibbled at her ears smiling at the sound of her soft laughter "Cobra!?!"  she asks softly he looks into her eyes "yeah Viper!?!"  he replies softly "what are we doing!?!"  she asks "I have no idea!.... but I'm not ready to stop!"  he answers "neither am I!"  she whispers softly and he kisses her lips in a captivating sensually passionate way and she somehow spins him around so that he is now laying on the couch and she is straddled above him and shows off her animalistic power which left him in awe as he watches her thrust himself as deep as he would go inside her while leaning forward and kissing his lips as her fingers gently claw their way down his chest making him moan.... once they are both spent Happy tired and sweaty goes in to take a shower while he was in the shower Muerte cleaned up their clothes placing them in the hamper then went into her bedroom and laid down in her bed once Happy was done in the shower he walks over to her bed and lays down next to her and falls asleep with his arms around her and his head laying lightly on top of hers.... Muerte wakes up the next morning with Happy at her side laying in his boxers his arm around her waist her body turn softly to face him her hand reaches up and rubs the top of his head softly he climbs over her and tickles her sides she shakes her head while biting the middle of her lower lip with a smile on her face looking extremely sexy as she teases "that won't work!.... I'm not ticklish!"  he replies with a raised eyebrow "oh yeah!?!"  he tickles her some more his fingers working faster than they were before and she laughs "what happened to not being ticklish!?!"  he asks lowering down and playfully nibbling her neck she shrugs he chuckles then climbs off her and the bed getting dressed the rest of the way he looks over at her sadly as he buckles his belt "I don't regret what we did"  he says softly "neither do I.... it had to happen Happy or we'd never get over the hunger living inside of us!.... it would have only become worse not better.... and.... I can't lose you!.... you and Juan are all I have.... my protectors!"   she replies he smiles then says in a soft smokey tone "you'll never lose me Viper!.... that's a promise!"  he kisses her lips "I want you to know.... I don't blame you!.... my brother was one of those types who tried too hard and because he tried so hard he usually failed.... I've had to clean up many of his messes before.... this one was just a bit more permanent.... I knew they would use you too.... I should have known that you would keep up with your tradition even though.... you do realize that it somehow became a frown right!?!.... either you planned it like that or....!"   Happy looks down at his bare chest on on the side of his hip where all his smileys are and sure enough the tatt he got the night he "killed" her brother was a frown instead of a smile "I never actually noticed that!.... no wonder it hurt!"  he says half teasing "I actually should thank you.... you've done so much for me!.... kept so many of my secrets!.... and now I've added one more for you to keep!.... not what we just did.... I HAVE to tell Juan! it wouldn't feel right if I didn't.... but the fact that I'm actually.... by birth at least.... a Delaney.... it's strange.... I never called either one of them my parents even though I know exactly what they are!"  she tells him softly he looks into her deep sad eyes sliding his hand up her cheek he says softly "I still regret that day!.... even if it wasn't completely real it FELT real and remember it like it just happened a few seconds ago.... because it was the day I "helped" separate you from a part of yourself.... your family!.... I will ALWAYS regret the pain I put you and your family through.... but most of all you!.... I would do ANYTHING for you Muerte!.... I love you Muerte and hate it when your sad.... especially when I'm the one who made you that way!"  Muerte wasn't sure how to take his words she knew they were true cause she felt it in the way he treated her last night.... yes they were merely working on adrenaline trying to get rid of what was left pent up within them after beating the living shit out of a man that raped her and the monster that not only watched but taped it....

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