My Many Mistakes

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Muerte waited a week before visiting Otto she was even allowed to bring one of her pups in with her for he had a work vest on and she decided to bring Rebel with her his brindle coat and his personality reminded her a lot of Otto Tully who made sure he was always informed when Muerte ever visited Otto was sitting at the same table he sat at the first time she visited the Reaper both he and Otto stare at her in shock when they see her bruises and both of them become equally angry.... a few days prior to her visit with Otto Tully had received the video of her rape it was sent to him by one of his fellow Aryan members who seemed quite proud of what he and some of the others had done and the members of the Brotherhood who joined in on the rape were killed for their "mistake" by his (Tully) order and just like Happy, Marcus and many others he used his connections to find out who did what they did to her and made the order to have the same thing happen to those that are found that happened to the AB members but Muerte had other plans.... she didn't want them to die so simply or easily she wanted them to feel the same pain she felt and she knew where to start.... you see even though she couldn't see their faces or their tattoo's she could smell them and she remembered a few scents from past dealings with wanna-be members of the Mayans and a certain ex Reaper.... Otto knew that Happy had stayed in Charming that he still is in Charming all because of what happened to her.... Happy ignored all calls from both Charming and Tacoma charters until Muerte was found.... Otto knew that Happy was the one that found her.... along with her father and brother he knew all this because Happy came and told him he didn't get ALL the details but he got enough ESPECIALLY after seeing her now.... both Muerte and Otto had a feeling that Gemma had something to do with it and it pissed him off that there is no way he can protect her from Gemma's overbearing personality while inside and he knows that no one else would dare stop "the queen" from doing whatever she wished.... Muerte regretted showing the video to her father but she believed it was necessary she believed that he might recognize some of the people in it and he stared in horror at what she had to go through "don't show this to mom or esé.... it would break their hearts and he'd....!"  she whispers softly to Marcus when she showed him, they both knew Esai enough to know that he would react without thinking his anger would boil so hotly that perhaps even those who had nothing to do with the rape would be in danger Marcus nods as he shuts the video off for even he couldn't watch it anymore without becoming extremely pissed.... Muerte talked to Otto about anything but the rape.... he had enough to worry about and the "men" in this type of facility even smell the slightest bit of weakness on him it would only add to everything that has already begun "all for SoA's sake"....

Muerte got the shock of her life when she walked outside the prison for instead of seeing Happy or Chibs as she walks out of the visitors end of the prison gate instead she sees Juice leaning up against Gemma's car "I am NOT getting into THAT!!"  ...

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Muerte got the shock of her life when she walked outside the prison for instead of seeing Happy or Chibs as she walks out of the visitors end of the prison gate instead she sees Juice leaning up against Gemma's car "I am NOT getting into THAT!!"   she says with a touch of anger in her tone Rebel growls at him not happy that he made his momma angry Juice looks at her in shock as she gets out her phone and calls Chibs who answers on the first ring "can you pick me up!?!.... DUMBASS brought Gemma's car to....! any other car would have been fine but THAT one....!!"   she says into the phone and shudders in revulsion Juice looks at her with heartbroken shock "sure thing gorgeous!.... I'll be there soon!"  Chibs replies ready to smack Juice upside the head for his stupidity "thanks Chibs!.... oh and if you ride your Harley make sure it's got a side car I've got Rebel with me"  she says then she hangs up with a sigh and slides her back down the large chain link fence as she sits on the dirty ground "just go!"  she growls Juice looks at her in shock with pain in his eyes as he slowly walks over to the drivers side climbs in and drives away.... "please tell Jax no parties!"  Muerte teases with an exaggerated "he did it anyway didn't he!?!" tone to Happy and Chibs when they pick her up Chibs only smiles shaking his head and Happy chuckles and says with a playful tone "I think it's a little too late for that Viper! you know we love good reason to party! and having you back is one of the best!"  as she climbs on behind Chibs hugging his stomach lightly Rebel hopped into his sidecar which was attached to Happy's Harley and they all drive away they stop at a park where Jax, Tig, Bobby, Esai, Marcus, Juice and Quinn where standing waiting for them with smiles on their faces as soon as she climbs off the Harley she rushes over to Happy and hugs him then softly begins to cry Chibs looks at her full of worry as Happy embraces her as gently as the muscular man could "come here Chibs!"  Muerte says when she sees his expression which deepens as she stretches one arm out towards him "as long as you come from an advantage point where I can see you you should be fine athair"  she tells him he chuckles softly and walks over to her straight into the arm she held out for him and hugged her gently then the three of them head over to the waiting group everyone was excited to see Muerte as she walked over to them standing inbetween Chibs and Happy it was hugs all around for her from Jax, Tigg, Bobby and Quinn Juice leaned up against a nearby tree staring at her with a sad and hurt expression in his eyes he had no idea what he had done.... we'll he did but he didn't.... she hangs out for a little bit then Marcus takes her back home with Esai following close behind so she can rest.... a few hours later Muerte hears a soft knock on her bedroom door she climbs out of bed and wraps herself in a bathrobe then goes to answer the knock while tying it as tightly as she dared to her body when she opens the door she finds Juice on the other side "who was the idiot who let you in!?!.... what do you want Juice!?!"  she asks sharply "you!"  he whispers in a barely audible tone the sadness within it apparent to all "I was RAPED, DRUGGED and BEATEN till I was BROKEN do you REALLY think I WANT to have ANY kind of relationship right now!?!.... ESPECIALLY with YOU!!.... I can't believe I was STUPID enough to give you a chance!.... all those years hoping that you would open your eyes and see me as I am not as SHE said I was!.... do you have ANY idea what you've done!?!.... no!.... of course you don't!!.... you'd rather follow someone else's "leadership"!.... believe someone else's stories then take the time to actually find out for yourself if the woman those stories were about are true!.... she doesn't KNOW me!.... she never took the time to get to know me!.... HELL she never even MET me before the day I finished your fuckin tattoo for you! YES I'm the DAUGHTER of the "enemy"! NO I never cared that you were a Reaper!.... I TOLD you that from the very start!.... my parents never cared either.... if they did you never would have been able to come near me much less do what you have done these past few years!.... my brother was ready to kill you every time you....! and if it wasn't for me he probably would have!.... do you HONESTLY believe you have THAT MUCH "control" over me!?!.... NO ONE controls ME Juan Carlos Ortiz!.... NO ONE!!.... it's YOUR fault you know!?!.... YOU lost me by listening to HER!.... and all those lies!.... how did it feel JUICE!?!.... when I began ignoring you!.... you CONSTANTLY pushed me away!.... and now your trying to get me back!.... are you FUCKIN kidding me!?!.... did the BITCH put you up to this!?!.... she probably did didn't she!?!... what the FUCK is she trying to do to me now huh!?! haven't the two of you broken me enough!?!"  she asks seething "what!?!.... no!!.... no one put me up to this!.... no one MADE me do this!!..... I.... I miss you!.... SO much!!.... it hurts Muerte!.... everyday it hurts!.... being without you!.... hurts so much!!"  he says softly taking slow careful steps towards her "well unfortunately for you I am not in the right "mind space" to feel ANYTHING for ANYONE!.... ESPECIALLY not YOU!!.... at this moment I am numb!.... I feel NOTHING I could join Happy on one of his jobs and actually end up enjoying myself!.... all I have to do is picture one of them and they'd be very fortunate if they were able to leave with their cock and balls still in place!"  she replies Juice looks at her shocked she sighs then says while trying to keep her anger in check "just go Juice!.... leave!.... and don't you EVER come back here again!!"  he walks away with his head lowered and his hands in his pockets he knew she was right no matter what he saw when they were together what she told him about herself which was a lot she was always honest with him and he still didn't believe it or he MADE himself not believe it cause it was GEMMA who told him all that stuff the woman he trusted and thought of as a mother.... Juice had moved out of his old home and into Muerte's even though she wasn't there at the moment and it felt desperately cold and lonely there were good memories there.... being able to hold her and kiss her and make love to her freely without the fear that she would push him away.... he knew that he was being selfish pushing himself back on her after a year of pushing her away.... he did always have the worst timing when it came to shit like that!....

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