Failing Rumor Mill

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Everyone noticed the constant change in Juice the past few years since he met Muerte like the weather the man went from a happy smiling man laughing and messing around to a heartbroken one in a matter of seconds no one could believe that he started to believe all of Gemma's sorry excuse for stories about Muerte all those years that he was stupid enough to treat Muerte the way he did now it was apparent that Gemma was trying to get "the old Juice" back the one that believed those sordid tales and she used what she believed to be a broken Muerte to help her do that being raped, drugged and beaten then losing a brother times were hard on the "poor girl" and Gemma planned to make them even harder but once again it didn't work especially when she tried to get the hateful Crow Eaters involved.... Jax hears Muerte say in a frustrated voice "let me guess what today's rumor is!.... that I sleep with every man I see!?!.... well then seeing that you are the "expert" in such things PLEASE tell me how it felt cause I have no memory of doing such a thing!.... I haven't had sex since I was RAPED!!.... HELL I have no idea WHY I am telling YOU of ALL people this!.... but please DO go on cause I hear Jax is like heaven and Bobby is a monster under the sheets and Chibs!.... we won't talk about Chibs will we!?! cause man WOO! he's the greatest of all three.... with a major Scottish flair!"  Jax walks over to the bar where Muerte and the Crow Eater stand.... Muerte mentioned the name of every man in the room.... "whoa Viper I never knew you thought of us like that!"  Jax says with a slight chuckle in his tone Muerte turns to him and asks "have you seen Tig!?!.... he's my dealer and pimp!"  Jax laughs then asks "so what's your pleasure!?! coke!?! heroin!?!"  even though he saw her body tremble slightly in disgust when she heard the name of those drugs he was the only one who notices it as she shakes her head and replies "nah I snort sugar and rock salt!.... gotta clear up those passages you know!?!"  Jax makes a face and says "oh ouch!"  Muerte tilts her head and asks "what!?! are you saying I'm doin it wrong!?!.... no wonder he's surprisingly cheap!"  she mumbles her last sentence Jax chuckles then replies with a smile "just a little!"  Tig walks over to the bar to get a fresh beer and becomes a part of the party as Muerte calls out "hey!.... where's my sugar man!?!"  she walks around the bar where the still shocked Crow Eater still stands as Muerte rushes over and jumps into Tig's arms wrapping hers around his neck she leans back in his arms looks him in the eye and teases "ah!!.... there it is!"  she leans forward pressing the tip of her nose on his neck and sniffs while rubbing the tip of her nose halfway around the side of his neck and she feels his body quiver slightly as he says with laughter in his voice "alright that's enough!.... that tickles!!"  he sets her down and rubs the part of his neck that she sniffed "be grateful I didn't lick it!"  Muerte teases Tigg's eyebrow raises and he says with a smile "maybe I wanted you too!"  she curls her pointer finger at him he lowers his head and she licks the same spot she sniffed he couldn't help but laugh as she coos licking her lips "mmm, salty!"  Tig looks at Jax "damn!.... what the hell man!?!"  Jax replies with a shake of his head "you don't wanna know!"  Muerte notices Juice leaning up against the far wall and walks in his direction then past him and out the door his searching eyes follow her every move then his body follows her out the door "Muerte!.... wait!!"  Juice hollers while jogging after her she spins around "what!?!.... are you ONCE AGAIN gonna join the rumor mill!?!.... I hear the pay is GREAT all the LOVE and ATTENTION one could ever ask for from the "queen"!!.... and WHO doesn't want that!?!"  Muerte shouts angrily when all she wanted to do was rush into his arms wrap her legs around his waist and quite possibly fuck him where he stood "just.... shut up!"  Juice orders with a soft growl her eyes widen as he grips her arm, pulls her towards him and kisses her she pulls away and slaps his face and even though it hurt he knew that she didn't use her full strength and for that he was grateful "Juan Carlos Ortiz DON'T you EVER order me around like that again!!"  she hollers as she pulls herself out of his loose and gentle grip his eyes widen in realization of what he said and how he said it as she storms off his hand on his now stinging cheek if he thought he hated hearing her calling him Juice he REALLY hated hearing her call him by his full name.... even worse than when his mother did it....

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