The Loss Of A 'Brother'👨‍👧

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On her way to Teller Morrow Muerte stops at an accident where an oil trucker was sent through his front window.... she had a few bottles of water surrounded by some ice packs in her saddle bag and takes one out she climbs off her Harley "stay!"  she orders her pups open umbrella in hand she walks over to the truck and climbs up onto the hood and helps the man take a drink for it was quite possible that he was dehydrated in the blistering heat of California when she hears the familiar sound of another Harley ride up and park next to hers "oh shit come on man get up on the hood.... and you.... get down from there!"  she hears Jax order she looks up and smiles at him sliding down to meet him he smiles at her as he catches her by the hip making sure that her body stays within the shade of her umbrella she hands him the water bottle as a bystander replies "ok man ok"  Muerte walks over to the now open cab door as he climbs in from behind her and helps the man who took her place on the hood get the driver off the hood and as gently as he could pull the poor man's leg out of the large shard of glass "on three one, two, three"  Jax orders "ok alright"   the bystander who was helping him says the driver screams in pain as his leg is removed from the glass and he is carried off the truck "you'll be ok your gonna be alright"  Jax says as he rushes out of the cab and over to where the driver was laid down on the road the paramedics arrive and Jax lets them take over "alright you've got help now"  Jax tells the driver as he hears Muerte say softly "uh.... Jax!"  he walks over to her and asks "yeah!?!"  she holds up a tiny ziplock bag and says "I have a sinking suspicion that this ain't from a pixie stick! and after the last time I worry about taking it to Juan.... he might think it's crushed up vitamins!"  Jax chuckles as he takes the bag from her "let's head to the club"  he says softly as he pockets the bag she nods and let's him lead her to their Harley's and they ride off....once Jax and Muerte get to the club Jax hands the bag to Juice who stares at the woman who walked away without a word pups at her heels and started to wash her hands Jax goes into a full account of what they just witnessed as he joins Muerte over at the sink and gets cleaned up himself "Darby runs his meth lab off a diesel yard in Pope it's where the mill drivers score their crank"  Opie says smoking a cigarette "it's definitely Darby's shit this rock has been stepped on so many times it's barely a narcotic"  Juice says shaking the tiny bag "so I was wrong.... it does belong in a pixie stick!"  Muerte teases Jax chuckles "see Darby's making his move into Charming dealing at the lumber mill Clay we gotta send these Nazi assholes a clear message now"  Tig puts his own two cents in while looking into Muerte's eyes knowing full well she hates drugs as much as anybody "-alright- why don't we just go talk to the driver? ask him where he bought the meth"  Jax says also looking at Muerte knowing full well that on a good day she would want to try and find a peaceful solution to the problem without all the shed blood that the Reaper club seemed ever so fond of "go"  Clay orders shaking his head not on the mood to argue much to Muerte's surprise "stay with Juice.... help him out"  Jax orders Muerte kindly "I do have other jobs you know?!.... besides.... my brother needs me!"  Muerte replies Jax nods understandingly he walks over to her and hugs her shoulders then walks away.... that night Muerte did the only thing she could do she helped her brother prepare when they had finished she cups Jesse's upper arm and orders kindly "take care of him.... and yourself!"  Jesse replies with a smile "you know I will!"  he could see the sadness still shine in her eyes as she walks away giving her brother a hug then heads home when they return Muerte stays and hangs out with her father and brother knowing full well that this might be the last time she sees him (her brother) and who the Crows would send to "help" with the "clean up".... 

As soon as Esai walks into the garage she rushes over and hugs him tightly wrapping her arms around his muscular shoulders holding back the tears that threaten to flow he slowly hugs her back trying to get over the shock of the force she used when she ran over and hugged him and tried to catch his balance he chuckles softly as his hand slides down her hair "hey!.... I'm not goin nowhere!"  he promises she looks up at him and he could see her eyes sparkle with the wetness of the tears that she wouldn't let fall and he kisses the top of her head with a sigh then walks over to his motorcycle and starts to work on it chatting about random shit trying to switch his sisters focus from what was making her sad and it worked for awhile as their father joins in then sends her to bed knowing full well that she could no longer hold back her tears.... he felt them start to fall as she kisses the top of his head.... "everything's gonna be alright hija"  Marcus whispers to her "now stop making my hair all wet and go to bed!"  he teases she chuckles softly Esai looks over at her with a deep sadness in his eyes as she walks out of the garage and towards their parents house.... the next afternoon Marcus is taken in for questioning "and so it starts!"  Muerte mutters under her breath as she her mother take care of the dishes her mother looks at her but says nothing because she knew full well of what she was speaking of.... Muerte had sent Esai outside to keep the two pit bulls preoccupied while the women clean up the house.... "you know I keep expecting to see a little ponytail sway on the back of dads head!"  Muerte teases as she and her mother watch her father be taken away by to police from the kitchen window her mother tries to hold in a chuckle that comes out anyway as Esai walks over and looks at her oddly "you remember the "competition" of sorts we used to have?! seeing who could grow their hair out the longest.... Uncle Rome won of course!"  Muerte teases he nods and laughs "not sure why he cut it off.... no one was ever brave enough to pick on him for it! though it's a wonder that girl thought he was a genie.... strangely enough in some ways.... it kinda fit and he looked good too!.... in my opinion anyway.... sorry mom!"  she says ending with a tease and her mother hugs her with a smile.... Muerte spent the day with Esai it didn't matter what he did she and the pups tagged along she knew that something was going to go wrong she just wasn't sure what all she knew was that her brothers life was in danger and there was nothing she could do to change it but only because she knew that if she tried if she brought Romeo or anyone else with the power to protect him in to the problem he would try to stop her she did it anyway but still she had to get help from not only Romeo but one of her uncles there was a Mayan Marcus missed a scent Muerte recognized from the start one of her own cousins was one of the men who raped and drugged her but he was the only one who didn't beat her as a matter of fact he CARESSED her "lovingly" and took care of her wounds..... when he was sure he wouldn't get caught doing so.... he was also the one who fed her and gave her water to drink.... Romeo had Esai secretly taken a few minutes before the meet her father knew that the boy under the mask that looked just like Esai's face was someone who hurt his daughter and even though the boy was family it made him sick to even think that someone from his own family would do such a thing.... this boy was the son of one of Diana's brothers.... after Marcus told Muerte that her fears had been proven correct.... as they always are.... "I don't want you going!.... you don't need to see it happen!"  he tells her "it'll be Happy.... you know it'll be him!.... he IS their "enforcer" after all!.... the "master" of torture and death.... he thrives for it!"  she tells him he pats her shoulder "I have to tell him pop!.... he deserves to know!.... and when it comes to me.... Cobra will keep this secret!.... HELL he'll even play along!.... though you're gonna owe Uncle Rome a few favors!"  she tells him he chuckles then says with a smile "of course I am!"  she chuckles and he hugs her.... a few minutes later Muerte calls up Happy and asks him to meet her somewhere outside SoA and Mayan territory since it was so late at night Happy was worried that she would have trouble driving but once she told him that someone was going to drive her to the meeting point he wasn't as worried and that's how he met Jesse.... her ride.... and found out that there was a sight change of plans in the job he had to preform for Clay.... Romeo put the fear of god in the boy who was forced to play Esai so that he would play along though he never told him what the FULL plan was....

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