Reaper-Mayan Revolution

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As she rode her Harley towards Main Street Muerte called her father leaving a message to have him call her back since he was riding protection for the rat himself giving him the information she just learned from Unser while sitting with the Reaper...

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As she rode her Harley towards Main Street Muerte called her father leaving a message to have him call her back since he was riding protection for the rat himself giving him the information she just learned from Unser while sitting with the Reaper boys on the cop car..... she parks her Harley halfway down Main Street then with her open umbrella in hand she walks up to where a line of Reapers sat on their Harley's with a line of Mayan's on the other side of the street..... she notices a young boy licking a Nutty Buddy ice cream cone outside one of the stores she searches through Juice's saddle bag and finds one of the toy motorcycles that look just like each of the Son's that are there Harley's and a youth size leather vest/kutte Juice tilts his head at her confused and she nods her head over at the kid he smiles as she walks over to the kid Juice and Happy follow her "hey there li'l man!"  she says politely when she reaches him she kneels down to the boys level and says "that looks really good!"  the boy nods with a smile "so.... tell me!.... which ones your favorite?!"  she asks the boy answers in awe "I like them all!"  she chuckles softly then says with a smile "yeah!.... me too!.... I'm Muerte these are my friends Juice and Happy..... they have a few things for ya"  Juice kneels down beside her and hands over the toy Harley's and Happy slides the vest/kutte onto the kids back "you take good care of them.... they'll take good care of you!"  she says with a smile as she stands up patting the boy gently on the back "I think your brother's waitin for ya you better go!"  the boys smiles at them and hurries of walking away by his brother's side Muerte then jogs over to where her father stands "dad!"  Marcus hears Muerte call out as she jogs over to him "what are you doing here!?!"  he asks with a surprised tone "I thought you had better morals than this!"  she says he looks at her confused "listen to your messages!"  was all she said to his confused expression he takes out his cell then calls up his voicemail and he hears his daughters voice say "and the rat takes the cheese"  then a dial tone "Zobelle's a rat!?!"  he asks with a confused surprised tone she nods then says "an FBI informant.... three years running.... he believes he's untouchable and so far thanks to people like you he's proven himself right!"  he replies with a hint of anger in his tone "he puts food on the table!"  she shouts back "no dad!.... YOU put food on the table!... he gives you drugs, sells you guns.... he USES you and you LET him!.... you NEVER let Clay do that so why him!?!.... I thought you were stronger than this!.... I thought you were BETTER!.... nice to know I can actually be WRONG for a change!!"  as they were in mid shouting match a few officers from Charming PD show up she scoffs then walks over to Hale and says when she sees the look of concern on his face "I'm not leaving....!"  he opens his mouth to argue and she walks back over to where the Reapers stands inbetween Happy and Juice and places a hand on each of their shoulders she says to Deputy Chief Hale "I may not have my pup but I got my guys.... they'll protect me!"  Juice looks up and smiles at her Happy has a "damn right we will!" look on his face as she continues "I'll be fine David!"  Hale reluctantly walks away muttering "damn your stubbornness!"  she turns to him and teases "did I just hear correctly!?! the Deputy Chief of Charming just swore!"  she fakes a look of shock he smiles and shakes his head as he walks over to Unser....."come here!"  Juice says reaching his hand out to her she takes it as she walks over and sits in front of him on his Harley and leans into his chest and starts singing "Farmer In The Dell" in a low voice "the farmer in the dell the farmer on the dell hi-ho, the dairy-o the farmer in the dell the farmer takes the wife the farmer takes the wife hi-ho, the derry-o.... the farmer takes the wife the wife takes the child the wife takes the child hi-ho, the derry-o.... the wife takes the child the child takes the nurse the child takes the nurse hi-ho, the derry-o.... the child takes the nurse the nurse takes the bull the nurse takes the bull hi-ho, the derry-o... the nurse takes the bull the bull takes the cow the bull takes the cow hi-ho, the derry-o.... the bull takes the cow the cow takes the dog the cow takes the dog hi-ho, the derry-o.... the cow takes the dog the dog takes the cat the dog takes the cat hi-ho, the derry-o.... the dog takes the cat the cat takes the rat the cat takes the rat hi-ho, the derry-o.... the cat takes the rat the rat takes the cheese the cat takes the rat hi-ho, the derry-o.... the rat takes the cheese...."  Marcus chuckles under his breath shaking his head Juice and Happy look at her oddly as she finishes the song while not taking her eyes off her father "the cheese stands alone the cheese stands alone hi-ho, the derry-o.... the cheese stands alone"  Happy looks at her with a worried expression "I'm not taking sides.... but if you want me to stay right where I am we have to make Clay think that I have and even though it hurts.... this "game" we're playing.... dad knows this!.... and we ALL know how Clay LOVES to be in control!.... which is why dad's allowing it cause he doesn't want to see me get hurt anymore!"  she tells them softly Happy nods....

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