Child's 👶🏽 Play

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The next afternoon Muerte walks into the club and sees an unconscious, foaming at the mouth Juice on the floor and mutters softly "damn it Juice!.... never believe Tigg when he calls something vitamins!"  she rushes over to him sliding on the floor next to him she checks on him not knowing what to do with an overdosed individual she gets up and rushes out of the room to go find help "of all the days to forget my phone!"  she mutters playfully.... in reality she left him there curious as to what "playful" punishment he would get cause she knew that no one in their right mind would hurt him knowing that she would not be happy with them if they did.... a few minutes later Muerte went out searching for the now missing Juice.... unfortunately she wasn't the only one who found him.... she watched from across the road as Deputy Chief David Hale nudged a certain Reaper in a large diaper with a pacifier taped to his mouth.... luckily not with duck tape.... and a cardboard sign that reads "slightly retarded child please adopt" super glued to his bare chest "hey idiot wake up.... you must have really pissed off your buddies"  Hale says "oh shit"  Juice moans pulling the pacifier out of his mouth "mhm hmm come on get up before I slap indecent exposure on you"  Hale says Juice strains as he tries to stand up and they hear a familiar alluring female voice call out with a teasing tone "I don't know Chief!.... I think he looks pretty good!.... though that's gonna be one odd tan line.... I'm curious how he's gonna explain it to the Eaters!"  they both turn to see a smiling Muerte walk up to them "I'm sorry chief I'm not sure what uh"  Juice says as he turns to look at Hale then when he pauses he turns to Muerte and says "I gotta go um I'm late for my eight o'clock feeding"  Muerte chuckles then teases "and you think I'm gonna feed you!?!... nuh uh! no way!... not.... happening!"  Hale smiles Hale watches Juice pulled the sign of his chest sucking in a short breath the toss it to the ground and as he and Muerte walk away he sees her slide her hand over Juice's ass as though to hide his plumbers crack as Juice pulls up the diaper up over it as they walk away "I don't know!.... I kinda like this look!.... I don't think its indecent at all!.... it leaves MORE to the imagination!!"  Muerte teases sliding her hands over the scrapes on Juice's chest that were the only reminders that he had the sign on to begin with he chuckles softly and kisses her she could feel how hard he was inside the diaper and her body stiffens "I-I should go!"  she whispers softly with a hint of nervousness in her tone and before he could say anything she jogs away from him and he stands there watching her not sure what to do first it was him and now it was her but at least she has a better "excuse" for her on again off again ways it just hurt far too much and he believed that he started to understand what it was like for her just not in such an extent as it is for her for she's dealt with it longer than he has.... "uncle Rome I need to ask a favor"  Romero "Romeo" Parada hears a soft scared but familiar female voice say through his personal cell "Muerte!?!.... what's wrong!?!"  Romeo asks with a concerned tone Romeo is probably the only person in her life that didn't know that she was raped a year ago but that was only because she knew that just like Tully had done he would have killed the bastards that did it but unlike Tully he wouldn't have ordered it he would have done it personally Muerte told him about the clown and what he almost did last night and that she believed that Tristen wasn't his first offense she told him what she told Juice that she felt responsible and she asked him to help her find the asshole behind the makeup and make him pay "the Parada way" which made him chuckle he promised to take care of it and swore that he would come visit if he ever gained any free time he knew she understood what his job entailed but he hated the fact that he rarely got to see her she promised herself that when the day came that he was actually able to keep his promise she would tell him about her rape.... it wasn't something you talk casually about over the phone anyway..... "take em all!.... I know carny law is to protect your own but if they can protect a child rapist then they deserve the same fate as the one they're protecting!"  Muerte says with a dark tone hearing the darkness in her tone Romeo read inbetween the lines and asks with a soft concerned tone "what happened to you!?!"  she replies softly "not over the phone uncle Rome!"  he says softly "alright!"  then he hears her say "I don't know all of who did it but they're getting taken care of one by one.... some my way, some pops way and some Tully's way!"  he chuckles then says "alright!.... I'll let you take care of that one then but the next....!"  he hears her chuckle as she replies "it's a done deal!"  and he laughs....

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