🦵💩Shit Kickin💩🦶

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As Muerte was sleeping Juice felt her phone vibrate he takes it out of her pocket and answers it not wanting to wake her up he goes himself to deal with the "problem" at the hospital apparently she used the "protect" command and Demon wouldn't allow anyone near Chibs because of it Juice shook his head and chuckled when he heard that he knew Chibs knew what to do to stop him from growling at them so he believed the Scotsman was having a little too much fun with the nurses and Tara.... who Demon cared for just about as much as his "mom" did which is not at all.... "always causin trouble!"  Chibs hears Juice joke as he (Juice) stands at his hospital room door and Demon bounds over to him to get some lovin for being such a "good guard dog" which he got for Juice kneeled down and pets him lovingly Chibs chuckles then asks "where's Muerte!?!"  Juice replies as he stands up "at the club sleeping.... I'll take Demon for a bit so the doc's can check you over then bring him back I know she won't be happy if I took him with me she left him here to protect you after all!.... besides he's probably hungry and needs to go to the bathroom"  Chibs chuckles and replies softly "yeah!"  Juice smiles and walks away Demon follows him out of the room and outside the hospital where Demon rushes around finds a good spot then does his business.... which Juice cleans up then throws away.... later that afternoon Muerte jogs over to Clay wearing one of Juice's hoodies that still smelled like him and a pair of black jeans "I want to go!"  Clay looks at her in surprise "he hurt Otto then almost killed Chibs!.... not to mention the shit he's putting my dad through.... I owe him a proper beat down!"  hearing her say that he smiles and pats her on the back as he replies "alright.... let's go!"  Juice and Jax look at Muerte in surprise as she climbs into the van Happy smiles at her "alright Viper!"  he says wrapping his arm around her shoulder and giving her a hug as she sits in-between him and Juice and they drive off.... "couple buses out front a few cars in the lot Zobelle's Mercedes two AB guys out front"  Ope says Muerte stands next to Juice leaning up against the of the back of the van "yeah there's a side door it'll be easy"  Tigg replies "good"  Clay says "we kick in the doors we grab Zobelle? we do it in front of an audience?"  Bobby asks "come on it's Weston's crew it's a handful of ex-cons and scumbags not really reliable witnesses"  Tig says "we'll let them make the first move"  Clay replies "it's more than a handful it's a membership rally it's gonna be packed with AB"  Jax says "how the hell do you know that?"  Tig asks "Hale grilled Zobelle's daughter he's sending sheriff's to pick him up for questioning"  Happy asks "we got cops on the way?"  Juice squeezes Muerte's hand she looks down at their entwined hands and then up at him and gives him a soft small smile.... as the others talked his hand slowly moved towards then over hers and when she didn't back away from him he covered it completely and held onto it as though she would disappear and he would never see her again.... "yep" Jax says "well then we better hurry.... thoughts Muerte?!"  Clay asks she looks over at him a little surprised "I just wonder if this was too easy!.... you said Hale grilled Zobelle's daughter?!"  she asks Jax who nods and she continues "what if she was told to say whatever she said?!.... it's a possibility that she works with him, helps him out on some things.... I wouldn't trust her words anymore than I trust his!.... just.... be careful!.... with this guy.... anything can happen!"  Opie looks at Jax and asks "anything else you want tell us?"  Muerte teases "um!.... your beard could use a good trim!"  Opie smiles and playfully punches her shoulder "oh!.... you weren't talking to me!?!.... sorry!"  she teases with a smile Opie shakes his head chuckling "yeah we do this we all go to jail"  Jax says "AK's and shotguns let's go"  Clay says Juice and Muerte step away from the vans back door as Clay opens the doors and the guys get ready Juice places his hands on Muerte's hip and looks her in the eyes with a hint of uncertainty Juice lowers his head and kisses her lips Muerte's tongue slides into his mouth swirls around the toothpick in his mouth and takes it out just as their lips part he smiles at her and she smiles back with the toothpick now in-between her teeth as Tigg starts handing out the shot guns..... "you, Juice, Hap.... take this side"  Clay says to Tigg the three of them walk away Juice walks backwards for a little bit watching Muerte as he walked "come on"  Clay says to the rest of the guys "Muerte stay here be our lookout.... your father would kill me if I allowed you to get in harms way again!"  Clay tells her she nods surprised that he's even PRETENDING to care.... and he, Jax, Bobby and Opie walk towards the building....

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