I Would Ride 🏍 And Die💀For You

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Muerte rides in the first car with Jax, Chibs and the dead Mexican she's sitting sideways on Chibs' lap.... Juice and Half-Sack are riding in the second car as watchmen of sorts..... "you don't mind if I?!"  Jax asks Muerte as he gets out a cigarette "nah!.... besides isn't there a law about the driver making the rules!?!"  Muerte teases Jax chuckles she takes his lighter and in one flick the flame burns long and bright she carefully places it over the end of the cigarette covering it up with her free hand as though protecting it from a nonexistent wind "here!"  she says softly as she does so he bends a bit so the cigarette actually is lit she does the same for Chibs "thanks!"  the men chorus with a smile which she returns she also returns the lighter this time sliding it into Jax's pocket his body couldn't help but quiver at her gentle touch.... no man's body could.... though he never saw her like that to him she was the sister he never had the sister his mom hated for no known reason perhaps it was the attention he and everyone else gave her over his mom.... when she was around anyway.... "Jesus Christ these guys stink"  Jax says "we'll leave Darby some good dead Mexican stench"  Chibs replies as two cars seemingly lose traction or something while racing or whatever as they pass the car Jax, Chibs and Muerte are in Muerte's body bounces backwards so that her back and head hit the window of the door and Chibs spills his beer on her lap as Jax swerves to miss the passing car making him hit the guardrail "you alright!?!"  Jax asks concerned she nods then says "Chibs' lap is very comfortable and he makes an excellent pillow!"  she pats Chibs' chest gently Jax chuckles "get that asshole! you know he made me spill my beer"  Chibs growls Muerte teases him playfully "gee thanks for the concern!"  she softly slaps his chest with the tips of her fingers he smiles at her "hmm the stench of beer, rotting corpses and dirt.... I must smell wonderful!"  she teases Chibs replies "well you look great!.... love the shirt by the way!"  she slaps his chest again just a little harder this time Chibs rubs the part of his chest she slapped with a chuckle and a smile on his face.... a few minutes later a cop drives by and sees the busted headlight Jax notices the cop stop and turn around and follow them turning on his siren "oh shit shit he spotted the smashed front end"  Jax pulls over "are you sure he didn't see my breasts!?!.... my shirt is wet now after all!"  Muerte teases Jax laughs then says with a smile "that could very well be!"  Chibs ruins the good mood Muerte tried "so hard" to build by saying "Lodi's got a sky team we'll never get away in this piece of shit"  he gets out his hand gun Muerte gently puts her hand over the gun and he puts it away as the cop walks over to the window as Jax asks the cop "what's up?"  Muerte looks into the review mirror and as though Juice had connected with her for a short while they hear tires squealing and a crash come from behind them Muerte climbs into the back with the huge stench of what once MAY have been a man as the cop turns to check out whatever the noise was and they hear the cop swear loudly "Jesus Christ"  Muerte says playfully "uh.... hello!.... there's a lady present!"  she waves her hands at Jax as though saying "duh!!" "hey!!"  Jax says with laughter in his tone as the cop yells "hey! hey! get back here!"  Muerte nods then says "two of them apparently!"  Jax chuckles shaking his head Muerte's eyes lock with Juice's as he and Half-Sack start running while being chased by the cop Juice laughs with a smile on his face while calling out "come on piggy come on!"  as Jax and Chibs get out of their car and slash the cops tires then hop back in and start driving away....

 there's a lady present!"  she waves her hands at Jax as though saying "duh!!" "hey!!"  Jax says with laughter in his tone as the cop yells "hey! hey! get back here!"  Muerte nods then says "two of them apparently!"  Jax chuckles shaking his head ...

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