Well Blow Me Down🤯

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The next morning Muerte heads to the prison and became the barrier of bad news letting her dad know what her mom did just to get out of a jam

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The next morning Muerte heads to the prison and became the barrier of bad news letting her dad know what her mom did just to get out of a jam.... "I didn't want to come here with not so glad tidings Uncle Otto.... but I know how you will forever feel about her and even with the prison clause thought you should know!"  she says Otto grips her hand as she lowers her head sadly "no!.... I know Muerte!.... I'm glad you did!"  she looks up at him "are you sure!?!"  she teases tilting her head to the side he chuckles then says with a smile "well I'm glad someone told me!"  she chuckles then she tells him of her suspicions with Gemma trying to look battered and bruised.... no one knows of the "rape" yet.... ".....she probably got Unser to help her somehow.... playing the victim probably.... though she's had decades of practice with that!"  she tells him he chuckles "I don't know why she hates me!.... I do so much for her and the club despite my distaste for how she and Clay rule over it and the fact that I am not healing as well as I should from the rape"  she says he looks at her sadly "we can't save everybody or control everything!.... hell we aren't even in full control of what we CAN control!"  she says softly taking his hand in hers he smiles "I think she somehow got a copy of the tape or saw it somewhere.... I wouldn't be surprise if she had a hand in it somehow.... the video might have helped her get a few ideas"  she says he looks at her with a sad understanding "and just because I know you're curious about me and Juice.... we're still friends.... with occasional half benefits.... and until I can start to feel like I am "worthy" to feel again....!"  she pauses then says "he's got the Eaters so it isn't like he isn't "getting any".... he's always had those!.... but he missed his chance to show how much I "matter".... he did it to himself! he spent all those years breaking my heart then slowly trying to put the pieces back together again just to break it once more while believing Gemma's lies over my truths.... that he KNEW in his "heart" were true!.... he caused the confusion!.... he MADE it all happen!.... I am NOT the only one who has to "prove" that it's all real!.... he looks for the approval of all the wrong people.... mainly Gemma and Clay and there's nothing I can do about that!.... the feelings are still there.... but so is the fear.... of it happening all over again the back and forth.... I'm as over the rape as I can be.... still can't be around drugs and some stenches throw me right back into those six months.... I never let what Clay and Gemma do get to me.... I have far too much fun playing along! and so do the guys!.... sometimes.... but when it comes to Juice I can't help but LET it affect me mainly BECAUSE of how I feel about him.... how I've ALWAYS felt about him!"  Otto pulls her into his lap like she was a kid again her head lays upon his shoulder as he combs her soft hair with his fingers as she wraps her arm around his chest "my li'l angel!.... I'm so sorry!.... for so much!.... I never should have....!"  he says trying to hold back his own tears "you saved me Otto!... gave me to people who love me unconditionally!.... if I had lived with you and Luann I would probably have ended up like her in some way.... she would have tried to train me to BE like her.... Gemma could have added the "she's the best Crow Eater we have!" to her "stories" since I'm a porn stars daughter.... Luann may be "retired" but what she did with Bobby proves that she isn't completely retired and she uses her "knowledge" and the prison clause to get what she wants!.... hell who knows whether or not she did it BEFORE you went to prison!.... I wouldn't put it past her she's got that spoiled kid in a candy store personality.... she gave me up!.... she doesn't deserve either one of us!"  Muerte replies as she wraps her arms around his waist "she still doesn't know.... she doesn't DESERVE to know!.... I've only met her once and seen her twice but I don't like her!.... and not because she's Gemma's "best friend"!"  she adds he chuckles "I wish I had good news Otto!.... I really do!.... but I know this life too well and it is never filled with good news.... especially with Clay and Gemma in charge!"  he replies with a chuckle in his tone "ain't that the truth!"  she slides her finger down the scar over his eye and looking at the other one sadly not sure if she should touch that one or not and whispers softly "see you later Uncle Otto"  he kisses her forehead with a somewhat forced smile on his face and she stands up then leaves....

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