Have Mercy!🙏

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Many people don't know this but it was Muerte who did the snake tattoo that lives on Happy's head

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Many people don't know this but it was Muerte who did the snake tattoo that lives on Happy's head.... a few days after meeting Muerte Happy walks into Irish Freddy's Tattoo Parlor he heard the sound of familiar light barks and looks over in the direction he heard the barks and see her setting up her station "just how many jobs do you have!?!"  Happy asks with a light chuckle in his tone as he bends down to pet the two pups that walked in his direction searching for the lovin they knew they were going to get from him "a few hundred thousand.... though I am Mexican so it makes sense that I would have that many!"  Muerte replies the happy teasing sparkle he had in his eyes dulled at her words and he frowns as she continues "you Reapers don't make it very easy for us tribal demons to make a livin you know!?!"  Happy almost looked ashamed for he knew that there was truth to her words for life became even harder for her family and their club once Clay became president "oh good you two know each other!"  Irish Freddy saws once he walks into the room then he says "Happy came here to receive a headache would you mind giving him one?!"  Muerte smiles and replies with a playfully teasing tone "sure thing Freddy you got a frying pan lying around somewhere!?! I'll wack him good and hard for ya!"  Irish Freddy chuckles Happy shakes his head then sits in the client chair that she waves her hand at "so whatcha gettin today Cobra?!"  Muerte asks as he sits down and gets comfortable "a snake"  he replies with a smile as Demon climbs up onto his lap and sits down and Rebel places his head on his thigh she smiles back shaking her head at him then asks "any preference or are you going to allow me to make the choice for you?!.... just how brave are you!?!.... are you willing to trust me with such a task!?!.... or are you afraid your snake might become a worm!?!"  he replies "I trust you!"  Irish Freddy teasingly mutters "that's scary!"  Happy chuckles as Muerte throws a roll of paper towel at Freddy who smiles as he goes to pick the roll up and places it back on her station "thanks Freddy she says with a smile "no problem Muerte"  Irish Freddy replies as he walks away and starts to set up his own station getting ready for his first client of the day.... Happy was shocked at how gentle Muerte was while doing his head tattoo he was actually expecting a shit load of pain but he barely felt any "yeah it surprised me too at how gentle yet efficient she is"  Irish Freddy tells him when he sees the expression on Happy's face "yeah!.... if we didn't go to the same school for a few years he never would have known that I could draw either! he still carries the scars from when he snuck up on me while trying to see what I was doing the day he did find out!"  Muerte says Happy and Irish Freddy chuckle.... they spent a week working on the tattoo not because Happy couldn't take the pain but because he kept getting called into the club for business purposes it was also how Muerte found out when Happy's birthday was for apparently Irish Freddy and Happy did it every year for that very reason.... which explains why Happy's body is so completely covered and since it was a birthday present Happy never had to pay for it....

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