What A B***H!

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*^just in case you all forgot what she was wearing and what the tattoo looks like here they are^*

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*^just in case you all forgot what she was wearing and what the tattoo looks like here they are^*

Juice walks outside the Club and is surprised to see Muerte sitting at the picnic tables chatting happily with Tig, Jax and Chibs.... YES Tig told him that he had a "visitor" but he didn't specify what kind of visitor so he didn't know what to expect.... Muerte looks up and sees Juice standing in the doorway of the club with a surprised expression on his face she smiles at him and asks "you ready?!"  all Juice could do is nod "go ahead inside"  Jax tells her she nods then stands up and walks towards Juice who turns around and walks back inside the rest of the guys follow.... Jax was really curious about the tattoo she was doing on Juice.... "with it being on your back our best bet might be either the pool table or one of the apartment beds.... maybe the couch"  Muerte says once they all inside Juice nods and he takes off his kutte and his shirt then climbs up on the pool table and lays down Muerte chuckles lowly and mutters under her breath "smart man!"  a smile slides up the corners of Juice's lips as he does his best to get comfortable Jax looks at the almost finished tattoo on Juice's back and his eyes widen in surprise as Muerte gets out her kit then gets to work "hey Cobra come to supervise have you!?!"  Muerte teases when she hears Happy's familiar footfalls enter the club "I think you have one too many supervisors already!"  Happy replies "what's one more then!?!"  she teasingly asks he chuckles as he walks over and hugs her shoulder then he looks down at the tattoo in surprise he saw the start of it but even he didn't expect to see what he saw now "damn!"  Happy whispers making Muerte smile then she asks "mind getting me a bottle of water Hap?!"  he replies "sure"  then he walks over to the mini fridge at the bar and gets her a bottle of water and Juice a beer then walks back over and hands the two bottles to their respected owners "thanks"  Juice and Muerte chorus.... a few minutes later Juice's tattoo was finally done and he had to go out on a job with Chibs Muerte stayed at the club and met another Reaper by the name of Kyle.... who was sent out on a job with Opie but the most eventful part of her stay happened when Gemma and Wendy walked into the club.... the first thing Gemma noticed was that there was a "strange girl" in HER club the second thing she noticed was the "strange girl's" tattoo and the sight of the tatt pissed her off and Gemma made the biggest mistake of her life.... Jax, Juice, Tig and Chibs heard something get slammed onto the bar as they walked into the Club after coming back from finishing their jobs and they turn to see Gemma laying face first on the bar and Muerte holding her down while pulling on her arm and pushing up against her back "I will only give you this warning once!.... I don't care who you are but you NEVER touch me without my permission!.... do I make myself clear!?!"  Muerte warns Gemma with a dark dangerous growl then she lets Gemma go with a push "who the HELL are you!?!"  Gemma growls angrily as she straightens herself up trying to look unfazed by what just happened "Muerte Alvarez.... what!?!.... did you think I got the Mayans logo on my lower back because I thought the Tribal Demon "looked cool"!?!.... which it does but that's besides the point!"  Muerte asks when she sees Gemma's eyes widen in shock then Muerte notices Juice standing in the doorway with a shocked expression on his face and she rushes over to him and kisses his lips Juice's eyes widen at the feeling of her soft lusciously delectable lips planting themselves on his then he calms down and answers her kiss wrapping his arms around her the world and the people within it disappeared as soon as she kissed him and he didn't notice that not only his fellow Reapers but the "queen mom" was looking at him in shock as Muerte takes her jacket off the coat hanger on the wall then walks around him and out of the club heading towards her Harley as she slides her coat on her back once he woke out of his dazed Juice follows her out he jogs up to her and asks breathlessly still trying to get over the shock because she had kissed him in front of EVERYONE "what.... was.... that!?!"  Muerte turns around and asks with a hint of dark sarcasm in her tone "I'm sorry! did you not want it to happen!?!.... perhaps I should ask for permission first next time huh!?!.... I go WAY out of my "comfort zone" and FINALLY answer the feelings that won't go away and you ask me what the HELL I was doing!?!.... I'm sorry I disappointed the "great Reaper" and actually KISSED him cause I THOUGHT he felt the same way!.... but I was right wasn't I!?!.... you ARE just like all the others!.... you just want me cause I'd "look good" at your side!.... I would make all the other Reapers "jealous" of you because you had such a "beauty" under your arm!.... I'm NOT going to be like that Juice!.... I'm not going to lower myself just so you can feel all high and mighty like the "big bad Crow" that you are!"  her voice calms as she continues to speak in a much lower tone "....I met someone here today that made me feel uncomfortable just seeing him and the way he looked at me made my skin crawl.... seeing you was the only thing that made that feeling go away and now I have wronged you by kissing you!?!.... I can't!.... I won't!!.... goodbye Juice!"  she climbs on her Harley and drives away as fast as her Knucklehead could fly "Muerte!.... wait!!"  Juice calls out in a soft worried tone his heart squeezing painfully at the fact she called him "Juice" instead of "Juan" or "JC" he climbs on his Harley and follows her not caring if he got into trouble for doing so all he cared about was her and how heartbroken she sounded.... what Juice and Muerte didn't know was that the Prez of SAMCRO was working in the auto shop and watched the two of them with an intrigued expression on his face and as soon as the two of them left he found out just who the girl Juice chased after like a bat outta Hell was and what she did to his wife for Gemma went looking for him just so she could garner sympathy from him for what she had to endure and after he found that out Muerte made her SECOND enemy within SAMCRO....

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