Mix Of Memories

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There's a secret that no one but Esai, Diana, Marcus, Muerte and Otto know.... Muerte is actually Otto's daughter Luann took one look of Muerte's ghost white skin when she was born and tossed her away like yesterday's trash.... she wasn't going to waste the money she made at her porn studio on the child's many doctors appointments because of her disorder.... Otto on the other hand wasn't going to give up on his child and he heard that Diana Alvarez was also in the hospital giving birth to her son he went to her.... after she had him of course.... and asked if she and Marcus would raise her in a small way Otto was glad that Diana said "yes" one reason was because in a very strange way he got to see his daughter grow up and another was because he didn't want Luann to "train" their daughter to be just like her and have her become a porn star.... Luann was told that their daughter didn't make it and the look of relief on her face broke Otto's heart.... Otto first met Muerte when she was ten.... she had always known that she was someone elses kid Marcus and Diana made sure of it but to Muerte Marcus and Diana will always be her parents after all they were the ones that raised her they were the ones that never gave up on her the name Muerte was supposed to have.... if she was actually raised by Otto and Luann.... became her middle name.... Nicotiana.... which is actually a tobacco plant....

 Muerte remembered the first time she laid eyes on Juice and how she found herself drawn to the muscular tattooed bald man

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 Muerte remembered the first time she laid eyes on Juice and how she found herself drawn to the muscular tattooed bald man.... she also remembered the first time she and Juice ever danced together.... it was actually a few weeks after their little "swim" on her and Esai's birthday.... Esai and some of the Mayans.... including Jesse.... went to a club to "hang" when she saw Juice walk into that very club her body acted on its own and walked over to him like one magnet meeting another she couldn't help but test him and see just what he would do if she flirted without speaking a single word it was as though she was telling him to kiss her which he did her eyebrow raises as her body quivers excitedly when his lips met hers once they let her go she searches him just as he was searching her with just they're eyes as though mapping and memorizing every delicious curve and muscle of one anothers body she was never one to try and seduce anybody but she never really needed to anyway a simple look a single sway in her natural walk the way she spoke and every man and some women were hooked but she didn't want THEM she wanted HIM "I-I'm sorry I shouldn't have teased you like that!"  Muerte apologizes softly as she and Juice dance with their bodies so close that they can feel one anothers body heat his arm wrapped around her waist and his forehead pressed up against hers he chuckles softly with a smile and replies "that's ok!.... I don't mind!"  she chuckles then teases "I bet you don't!"  he laughs lightly then whispers softly "I told you that it would be hard to forget you!"  her eyes widen and his lips meet hers and he could feel her body jolted and quiver in surprise as it pressed itself to his then it calmed but held an excitement it had never felt before as she answered him.... she remembers the first time she tested herself Juice came over to her place and now she was going to see what it was like to be finger fucked by him while standing without being in a pond of water Juice's eyes widen as he is thrown up against the wall this time he's the one who moans and gently grunts as his back hits the wall her hand slides over his chest he looks at her confused with a raised eyebrow as her hand unbuckles his belt and jeans then slides inside both his pants and boxers gripping his large hardened shaft her hand massages his cock slowly and softly at first then fast and hard playing with the tip of his cock like she was just teasing him and had done it over a million times he moans unable to speak as he enjoys each and every stroke of her soft delicate hands that now gripped his large hard cock.... once again they never went all the way but they stayed up against the wall out of view of any peeping toms.... "I'm sorry!.... I don't know what came over me!.... I just.... I can't seem to get enough of you and yet I can't....!"  Muerte says breathlessly once she allowed herself to come up for air after she kisses him passionately while massaging his cock Juice chuckles softly with a smile.... once their bodies calmed down just a touch they laid on the couch in one anothers arms her head pressed up against his chest listening to his rapidly beating heart sitting up just a little bit and kissing his lips her free hand that wasn't holding onto the couch for support slid over his chest teasing him as just the tips of her fingers touched it as they moved he moans soft and deep as she climbs on top of him straddling his hips as she continues to kiss him "see!.... I just can't get enough!"  she moans softly "me either!"  he replies as he answers her cupping her cheek in his hands as he kisses her passionately....

Happy had worried about Muerte once he heard about her first visit to Teller Morrow he knew that even just a simple rumor of her being a Mayan would bring Morrow and Teller

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Happy had worried about Muerte once he heard about her first visit to Teller Morrow he knew that even just a simple rumor of her being a Mayan would bring Morrow and Teller.... Gemma not Jax since he already knows.... into a frenzy like putting her into a shark tank without the protective cage with open cuts all over her to help the blood flow so the sharks were sure to attack but he knew that she could handle them now he had another worry for Muerte called him up more pissed off then he has ever heard her be before  "what the hell is wrong with you people huh!?!.... I just spent the afternoon with my dad burying one of our own!.... is that what you call retaliation huh!?!... a body for a body when my family had NOTHING to do with Donna's death!.... MY family doesn't make mistakes!.... yeah I know since Clay couldn't pin it on Leroy and his crew he had to go with the "next best option".... I HATE it when you people do that!.... at least we Mexicans have this thing about honor and respect!.... which you WHITE BOYS seem to be lacking!.... because of you my father had to practically sell his soul to Zobelle just so we can stay afloat.... do you have ANY idea what this does to him!?!.... do you even care!?!.... you do realize that what affects him affects me too right!?!.... after all he IS my father!!"  before he could say anything Muerte hung up.... when Happy saw that Muerte was "getting better" or at least could sleep without punishing herself and starting to allow people to touch her again when her flirtatious teasing nature came back in full swing he went back to Tacoma for he was needed over there he also took his mom with him having his cousin pick her up.... his mom hated it, HE hated it, they BOTH missed her.... far too much! but he would do anything for the club just like he would do anything for her he wondered why she called him to vent her frustrations perhaps it was her way of keeping up the act of "hating" him but somehow he knew that there was more to it he also knew that she couldn't vent to anyone else and that he could take her anger in stride even though it hurt his heart to see much less hear her be so angry all he knew was that there was a deeper meaning to her words he just didn't know what it was.... after her phone call with Happy Muerte has a short conversation with Marcus about Zobelle and other things "I know what you have to do dad.... just.... no more death!.... a slight flesh wound.... maybe.... the Niners I don't care about.... but the Reapers.... at least a couple of them.... some are lucky I like a few of them.... a little too much!"  she tells him Marcus laughs softly as he hugs her shoulder "I'll make sure that they all are properly well treated...."  she laughs then says "yeah!.... I know what that means!.... your "new friend" can't know who I am.... you know he's gonna try to control the Reapers too.... and with me being somewhat a part of both.... he's the kind that will use the info to his advantage!"  Muerte says Marcus smiles then replies "I know hija!.... I know!"

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