Quinnship 🛳🚢🚀

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It may surprise you to know that Muerte and Quinn dated for awhile around the second year of her and Juice's relationship during a time when he pushed her away Quinn "bravely" asked Muerte out their relationship only lasted a few months mainly do to the fact that Quinn knew how close she is to her family and knew that she would never leave them for long periods of time and with him being Nomad he didn't want to separate them during the time that he dated Muerte he met Muerte's second cousin Vida (the spanish word for life) Santo Padre California's Mayan Charter "Princess" when he went with her to visit her first cousin once removed Bishop.... during the third year of Muerte's on again off again relationship with Juice.... when Muerte and Juice WERE together Quinn started dating and even married Vida.... surprisingly enough Bishop allowed both the dating and marriage of his Mayan daughter to a Nomad Reaper for just like his cousin Marcus Bishop wanted his daughter to follow her heart when it came to love and many other things.... Quinn understood why Muerte clung to her family in the way that she did for they were the first and for the most part only people who stayed constant with her and love her as she is no matter her faults were as everyone else left her and/or hated her in some form or fashion which is why he thought it would be best to "set her free" and not "force" her to leave her family for good and travel with him.... not that he WOULD force her to do anything he mostly thought that with him constantly being gone all the time she might start to feel lonely or unloved and he didn't want that.... though they still remained friends even after he broke up with her which he was grateful for cause he knew a lot of people who broke up then couldn't stand the sight of one another much less be in the same room together.... in other words they hated each other.... not to mention the fact that he saw that she still had feelings for Juice and that no matter how "badly" he treated her she would always love him and just like Happy he hoped that someday Juice would "wake up" and see what he was missing and stop listening to the lies Gemma and Clay tried to spread around about her he definitely saw the jealousy in Juice's eyes when he saw them together.... Muerte was very understanding as to Quinn's reason for breaking up with her they supposed that in some way they were testing the feelings they felt for one another and found that they weren't as strong as what she felt for Juice or even Happy Quinn was actually surprised that Happy didn't take the chance to give their relationship a "one up" so to speak but then again just like Quinn he was away from Charming more than he was IN Charming so even HE saw less and less of her as the years went by....

 Muerte was very understanding as to Quinn's reason for breaking up with her they supposed that in some way they were testing the feelings they felt for one another and found that they weren't as strong as what she felt for Juice or even Happy Qui...

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But now Happy was in Charming more often he even filed for a transfer from the Tacoma Charter to the Charming Charter which of course was approved right away his main reason for transferring is Muerte but with her rape he knew that she wasn't ready for any sort of relationship he believed that until each of those fuckers were caught and punished she would never be ready.... the punishments have already begun.... Marcus took care of the Mayans who were a part of her rape, Nero and Arcadio took care of Byz Lats who were a part of her rape and Muerte worked out a plan for a certain Calaveras Motorcycle Club member and to get her plan set in motion she had to visit a certain person in prison so that another certain person would overhear and help out.... that's right Muerte visited Otto just so that Tully would overhear her conversation with him.... "his name is Hector Salazar.... now I don't want him dead just in a lot of pain! you know how this prison.... or any other prison in Cali.... works better than I do so you would know what to say to get him to end up that way.... wife and or child beater.... something!.... he needs to feel what I felt tenfold!"  Muerte tells Otto "why don't you want him dead!?!"   Otto asks with a curious tone "I'm sure his day will come but he needs to know that the pain he felt in here came from me and since I don't have that kinda pull here it won't happen!.... he's also the idiotic Prez of Calaveras so he may be useful in the future.... to who no one really knows but....!"  she replies he chuckles "death is too quick!.... when he comes here his pain will only be temporary mine will last forever and I don't think that's fair! so he can live.... for now!.... but if possible.... make something permanent!.... every king wishes for an heir to his throne.... make sure he's not allowed to make any!"  she continues Tully smiles a dark smile as he listens to her speak plans already rolling in his head of how he was going to make the asshole she spoke of pay he even planned on "joining in" and making sure that to boy knew that HE was the one who made it all happen he knew she knew that he watched her he knew that she was mainly giving HIM this information and the fact that she changed dogs when she came to visit was his first clue he smiles at Demon who was sitting next to her watching him even though they were no longer together and it technically wasn't true he considered Demon and Rebel his dogs.... he missed his dogs more than he missed her but he still planned on protecting her since he was the one who destroyed her to begin with who made her weak even though she is strong he was the reason she was so dependent on her family's love for it is the only love she knows every other version of love she could have ends up ruining her in some way and it all started with him.... there were a few people Marcus couldn't reach so he had asked his daughter to go to Nevada to visit some friends and get their help.... either on their own or with the help of the Mayan Nevada Charter.... though he never specified what he needed help with he knew that she was smart enough to figure it out so she called up Quinn and asked him to meet her and Happy in Nevada.... Happy had called Jury up and explained what was needed and of course Jury said yes.... apparently Marcus needed their help catching a few of the Mayans that raped his daughter and he knew that those three were the Reapers she actually got along with so he hoped that they would be willing to help.... Happy rides with Muerte as she heads to Nevada to go see Jury who was informed of her rape so he was well prepared for almost anything "well look who it is!"  Jury teases when he sees Muerte walk in with Happy and Demon "I know we're all happy to see Happy!"  she teases back Jury laughs Happy smiles "you know....!?"  Jury starts "I'm the only person you know that can make Happy truly smile Jax has told me the same thing!.... so is Quinn here yet?!"  Jury replies "I've got him workin a job for me but he should be back soon"   she teases "taking advantage of poor Q huh?!.... shame on you!!"  then she hears a familiar chuckle come from behind her which makes her jump "sorry Muerte!"  Quinn says softly she turns around and smiles "it's alright Quinn.... so how's our favorite Nomad doing?!"  she asks Quinn laughs and Happy places his hands on his hips pretending to look offended "you're not Nomading!.... and if you ever do Nomad you'll be a close second to the number one favorite!.... I ALSO said "OUR" favorite so I wasn't just talking about me!"  Muerte says giving Quinn's hip a hug and placing her free hand in the center of Quinn's chest patting it gently Happy and Quinn laugh "alright!.... Chapel!.... both of you!"  Muerte orders playfully the three men laugh and follow her into the Devil's Tribe meeting room Quinn playfully tells Happy behind the back of his hand "she's always wanted to say that!"  she rolls her eyes shaking her head with a smile on her face and replies playfully "I have not!.... besides we Mayans call ours a "Temple" so....!"  Quinn laughs then teases "uh huh!"  she laughs then says "you're lucky you're family.... how is my cuz anyway!?"  Quinn bursts out laughing.... once they were in the Devil's Tribe Chapel and they were sure it was secure so that no one outside the room could try to listen in Muerte lays a tablet down on the table then walks out of the room.... "so Jur!.... I thought that while I'm here I'd work the bar for a bit.... I.... need a break from Charming I know how much you guys love using Happy and Quinn every chance you get and since I brought them both here so to speak now's the perfect chance for you to do just that!"  she teases a few minutes later Jury chuckles as he wraps his arm around her shoulder "I've got a better idea.... if you're up for it that is.... I have a few guys looking to get a few tattoos and I heard you were pretty good.... I got a kit in the cabinet you can borrow but I won't force you!"  Jury tells her she smiles "sure Jur.... depending on what it is and where I'll do my best.... it's been awhile since I've done either"  Jury looks at her funny "you wouldn't believe how many of the Reapers claimed to want their dicks tatted!.... on second thought.... you just might!.... and just so you know I did their asses instead and not as gently as I'll do your guy's.... maybe!"   she jokes Jury laughs Happy and Quinn didn't look happy at all about that tease ....well the dick part anyway.... for they knew that she was telling the truth.... Happy's heard a few of the Tacoma guys ask for that very thing and if it wasn't for him or Kozik they would have ended up losing what they thought they had to begin with.... at least they believe it's as large as they claimed it to be.... at least 12 inches which if you think about it is really small!.... Muerte spent the rest of the day giving the few of Jury's guys that asked for a tatt their tatts.... which weren't on the ass or dick and she was as gentle and efficient as she always is when she tatted them.... while as Muerte predicted Jury put Happy and Quinn to work on club business while they were there.... probably doing what her father asked of them via the tablet she laid on the table in the Chapel.... she spent a week in Nevada finishing up the tatts then headed home with Happy and Quinn went back to his Nomad ways "I'm surprised yet glad you didn't bring Vida.... surprised because I know she'd be more than willing to help and can definitely hold her own and happy because I don't want what happened to me happening to her.... man my faith in humanity really has taken a dark turn hasn't it!?!"  Muerte says to Quinn before he leaves he wraps his arm around her shoulder and gives her a hug with a sad expression on his face he then kisses the top of her head and drives off.... probably headed to go see that sexy wife of his....

Ever since her rape Muerte took either Rebel or Demon everywhere with her sometimes both

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Ever since her rape Muerte took either Rebel or Demon everywhere with her sometimes both.... normally her father would "borrow" them for "extra muscle" during many of his ordeals with people outside the Mayans when he had jobs that needed the extra amount of fear that Demon and Rebel bring.... pit bulls are "evil" and "scary" after all.... they became her Service/Therapy/Guard dogs Marcus made sure that she always had at least one with her at all times no matter what now that she need them more than even he does he's never seen his daughter in such a weak state before and though he understands it worries him and in some ways frightens him and he hopes that she will overcome all her fears soon he has half a mind to make Juice never come near his daughter again for he knows that the boy and how he acts around her isn't helping her heal after all he chose the wrong time to "try" and get her back.... though they were in an "on again" stage in their relationship before the rape he needs to understand that she can't be pushed/forced into a relationship so quickly after what happened to her.... Marcus listened to his daughter try to talk some sense into the poor boy but for some reason it just never gets through "you honestly think I WANT to be like this!?! I HATE being weak! I'm NOT trying to push you away I'm.... I'm SCARED Juice! I'm TERRIFIED of being "in love"! I can't! I'm not ready! I may NEVER be ready! at this point.... you need someone stronger than me! I'm still not.... myself! I may never be myself again!.... and you deserve better! so much better.... than me! I mean.... is that what you want me to be!?! YOUR "Sweet Butt" "Crow Eater" just to satisfy your "need" for me!?!.... your "desire".... "hunger".... whatever the hell it is!?!.... have you already forgotten that I was RAPED!?!.... do you think this is EASY for me!?!"  Muerte asks with a harsh bite "no!!"  Juice replies with a soft surprised tone she continues as though he didn't say anything "you don't make this easy.... you never have!.... you push!.... you pull!.... spin me till I can't see properly!.... can't think!.... can't do anything!.... for three years you did that and now.... you want me to "be with you" at the worst point of my life!!.... I thought Ron was bad but you!.... you are SO much worse!.... what part of "I can't be with anyone right now" do you NOT understand!?!.... you keep saying that you "love me".... I'm not sure I know what love is!.... I know I feel SOMETHING for you!.... but.... you confuse me Juan!.... the emotions I feel for you confuse the HELL out of me!.... which is partially a good thing cause no one wants hell within them!"  he chuckles at her ending tease/joke as she says "unlike it is with you when it comes to Happy.... I know EVERYTHING for he has NEVER treated me the way you do!.... YES I am comparing you to Happy for he's the one you are the most jealous of!.... how close I have always been to him from the day I met him to today!.... Happy calms the demons within.... he doesn't push, he doesn't pressure me into "loving" him he's just there!.... right when and where I need him to be!.... each man in my life protects something in my life.... by stopping the dark, depressing "evil" from entering.... I had thought that you'd be the one to guard my heart but you only confused it!.... just like you are now and being the idiot that I am I am letting you!.... but I can't Juice!.... I can't let you do that!.... not anymore!.... you spent all that time listening to the voice in your head instead of the one warming your heart! and now you think it's wise to just show up and "be with me"! my GOD Juice just how much air is actually filling that large skull of yours and how much brain is wiggling in there like a seed wanting to grow but can't!?!"  he lets out a soft chuckle at her analogy as she continues "if you don't make up your mind soon! figure out what you TRULY want! and STOP this back and forth nonsense then I don't know what....! I may be broken but I will not be destroyed!.... broken things can be fixed with time and patience if I allow you or Gemma to destroy me then there will be NOTHING that can repair me!.... and I won't allow that!.... I just need time!.... to fully return to the way I was before!.... to feel as though I am worthy to be by your side!.... to be as strong as I know I can be!.... can you give me that!?!"   she asks "I'll.... try!"  he replies in a soft honest tone she chuckles with a smile on her face which disappears as soon as it came

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