A Campin Trip With Her Favorite Reapers 🏕⛺

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The next morning Muerte drives up to Teller Morrow and sees a very familiar sight she climbs off her Harley and calls out "hey Bobby I'm gonna borrow Juice, Kip and the van for a bit.... if they're free that is!"  Bobby looks over at her and chuckles as he says "sure thing gorgeous!"   Muerte looks over at Chibs and says "mind watchin the pup for a bit?!.... he's gonna get upset if we come just to go again.... besides I think the kids would love the chance to spoil him while I'm not around!"  Chibs chuckles and replies "sure thing gorgeous!"  then he lets out a low piercing whistle Demon looks up at Muerte who nods her head over to Chibs and Demon bounds over to him with an excited gait Half Sack and Juice jog over to Muerte and the three of them head over to the van "where are we going!?!"  Half-Sack asks as he climbs into the back and Juice climbs into the passenger seat since Muerte "stole" the drivers seat "to keep up with tradition!"  Muerte replies Half Sack and Juice look at her oddly as she starts the van then drives out of the parking lot "you think that you're club's the only one that does things like this!?!.... when I was a kid I called it camping.... not because it was our only version of camping but because I needed a way to make it seem better than it was to help forget that my dad or someone else in the club was in danger and they were trying to protect us all.... I remember how bored esé used to get when we did it as kids so when I was old enough to get a job and make my own money I tried to make it fun for the other kids.... buying games, a plastic pool, sand boxes, a swing set anything I could think of that would help them keep their minds off of the things I used to think about when I was their age.... not to mention kids can get restless and being cooped up inside with nothing to do which is bad for everyone's health!.... half of the stuff I buy gets sold in yard sales or given to charity we're done with it.... hell I MIGHT even allow Gemma to use them for her fundraisers if she can actually start being.... or at least pretend to be nice every once in a while!.... when I worked at a few stores that sell things like that and instead of giving me a pay check they would allow me to take things for the "camping days".... as long as I stayed within the amount of however many paychecks I would have gotten came up too.... I still have quite a tab in some of the stores so we're gonna raid the place until it's empty and not have to pay a single penny for it!"  Juice chuckles.... Muerte opens her door and slides out of the van then starts walking through the parking lot and into the store Juice and Half Sack follow jogging to catch up with her once they get to the store the three of them walk inside "hey Marty is Danny in?!"  Muerte asks one of the employees "camping again huh!?!"  Marty asks with a smile she nods with a smile then says "yeah!.... it's been awhile and.... I kinda miss it!.... unfortunately the RV I rented got broken into so I have to find a replacement t.v. and Danny's your tv expert.... so....!"  she shrugs then says "oh!.... by the way.... this is Juan.... he's my gaming expert.... and Kip.... he's the expert in the other fun stuff!"  Marty laughs Juice and Half Sack smile "well I'll go see if I can find him.... you want your usual of everything else though right!?!"  Marty asks she nods and says "and a karaoke machine"  Marty smiles then walks away "toys are that way Kip"  Muerte says to Half Sack who jogs over in the direction she pointed to Muerte takes Juice's hand and leads him to the electronics area of the store "so.... X Box, PlayStation or Wii!?!"  she asks "umm all 3!"  he teases as he pretends to think about it "you heard him Danny!"  she says turning around and facing another employee that "snuck up" behind them "yes ma'am.... 3 screens then!?!"  Danny asks she nods "one for each.... the biggest you got!"  Juice looks at her in shock "you'll be lucky to get a 40 inch here Juan!"  she tells him and he smiles at her.... a few seconds later Danny comes back with 3 40 inch t.v.'s, the 3 gaming consoles in a large cart "I figured I'd let your friend chose the games.... since he's your "gaming expert".."  Danny says Juice smiles at them and rushes off to find some games to take with them Muerte smiles and shakes her head as she watches him rush around like a kid in a candy store.... when the three of them got back to the van Juice and Half Sack ordered Muerte to get in the van while they work on getting everything inside she shakes her head at them with a smile on her face but does as "ordered" and climbs into the driver side starts the van then turns on the air conditioning....

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