⛪Confession Is Good For Your Rectum ✝☦

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"Hey Jax!.... do you mind if I stay here tonight?!.... my eyesight's not that good when it comes to driving when it's dark out.... I'd have Juice or Hap take me home but I don't want them missin the party!"  Muerte asks Jax "sure!.... you can use my apartment"  Jax replies "thanks!.... I'm gonna call dad and let him know so he doesn't worry"  Muerte says she gives him a quick kiss on the cheek then walks away Jax smiles shaking his head as he mutters to himself "damn!.... I'm in deep shit!".... Clay shouts as Tig and Happy box in the outdoor ring of the club "kick his ass"  Muerte stands next to Chibs as she and the pups watch them fight Rebel and Demon bark excitedly as Muerte cheers the men on "go on!"  Muerte tells her pups once she sees Tig become tired and Happy become way to excited seeing "his" pups and "his" Viper cheer him.... well both of them on Demon and Rebel hop up onto the ring stand in front of and bark at both Tig and Happy who chuckle and hug one another then give the pups some lovin while sneaking them some treats from within their pockets Muerte chuckles as she watches them pretend to be sneaky as they reach into their pants and pull out then feed the pups the treats seeing her chuckle makes Happy smile he also notices her slightly blush at the sight of his smile and he looks at her oddly he didn't know if there was something wrong or she was feeding off the emotions around her or she actually had the same growing feelings for him as he does for her after all.... wasn't she Juice's girl?!.... no matter if they were dating or not Muerte has always been known as Juice's girl by ALL the Reapers after all they ALL remember her warning to Jax when she and Juice first started dating the first time around "I will warn you!.... if ANYTHING happens to that man on YOUR watch you WILL be hearing from me!.... and trust me when I tell you!.... you do NOT want me as your enemy Jax!" Muerte warns him Jax's eyebrow raises and pretty much stuck itself halfway up his forehead as she spoke "trust is a hard thing to earn and easy to break.... but it's even harder to gain back.... and for one of the Mayans to trust a Reaper!.... well.... you know what that is!.... at least I HOPE your smart enough to figure it out!.... I will warn you right now Jackson Teller.... if you EVER try to use me to gain information on my fathers men.... my father will be the least of your worries!.... I gained BOTH of my parents over protective tempers.... and if you have never seen a Mexican in heat.... you REALLY should!.... it's truly a sight to see!"  she turns back around and continues on her way and everyone in the club stare at her in shock.... though with her last words it is quite possible that Tig may have been just a bit turned on....

Muerte hands Tig and Happy a ice cold beer once they hop down off the boxing ring "thank you gorgeous!"  Tig says smoothly "oh go find yourself a Eater and feed her!"  Muerte teases Tig chuckles then says tipping his beer bottle at her in salute "...

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Muerte hands Tig and Happy a ice cold beer once they hop down off the boxing ring "thank you gorgeous!"  Tig says smoothly "oh go find yourself a Eater and feed her!"  Muerte teases Tig chuckles then says tipping his beer bottle at her in salute "will do!"  she chuckles shaking her head at him as he walks away with a smile on his face "he sure is somethin huh!?!"  she teases Happy as they watch Tig walk away she leans sideways and lays her arm on one of the ropes of the boxing ring and grips it lightly for balance "stop staring at my ass!"  Tig shouts "what ass!?!.... you have less of an ass then Chibs does!"  she shouts back Tig laughs "alright that's it!.... your turn lassie!"  Chibs says from beside her "are you sure that's wise athair?! you're by yourself I on the other hand have two protective pit bulls on my side!"  Muerte replies with a smile "you have a point there!"  Chibs says "here!.... have some Jack!"  she says handing him a bottle of Jack Daniels whiskey "and this is why I love you!"  Chibs replies as he takes the bottle from her and wraps his free arm around her neck in a hug "it's piss warm anyway so....!"  she teases Happy laughs as Chibs mouth gaps open playfully in false surprise.... there were somethings that Muerte "got over" and there were somethings that stuck with her after the rape there were days when she was fine one moment then terrified the next, she still hated drugs but it was much worse than before now it was so bad that she couldn't even take an aspirin when she got a headache, there were times she welcomed peoples touch.... depending on the person of course.... and there were times she'd flinch away from it but her will to fight no matter what the cause stayed strong it was the only thing she was "allowed" to keep throughout the whole ordeal when she was in the fight it was the only thing she concentrated on but she became so focused she knew when it started to change into something else and THAT is when she became dangerous, when people took advantage of the fact she allowed them to touch her and tried to change the reason they were able to touch her they learned very quickly to only touch certain areas of her body.... staying away from the breasts and the hips it's why her full on hugs turned into only shoulder hugs.... Juice sat in a chair next to the bed in Jax's room as Muerte slept he stayed up all night watching her and fell asleep in the chair that morning he didn't even feel Muerte place a blanket over him or kiss his cheek after she woke up the next morning then left for home.... Muerte spent most of the day with Donna, Kenny, Ellie and the pups she wanted to help Opie and Donna with their past due bills so she asked Donna to chauffeur her around and the kids to pupsit Demon and Rebel from time to time which gave her the "perfect" excuse to pay her in small amounts for things.... though she tended to sneak the bigger bucks into Opie's SAMCRO jacket and kutte from time to time which made him chuckle everytime he felt the small pile of clipped dollar bills in his pockets.... Muerte had a few doctor appointments so they spent quite a bit of time in an overcrowded car.... which Muerte helped pay some of the past due balance of enough to once again make it "legal" to drive though with Hale around he and many other members of Charming's finest usually looked the other way way if they saw the car out and about....

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