chapter one ♡!

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"you know, you've never introduced me to your boyfriends." jeongguk muttered, him and yoongi sitting on the couch of his house, eating chips.

"ah, you're right."


"well are you gonna?!" jeongguk asked, sitting up and staring at his best friend.

yoongi looked calmly over at him, his silver hair getting in his eyes. "i mean, maybe."

"you're being so difficult. i want to meet them! i'm your best friend. it's only right if you introduce me." jeongguk explained.

"well then you can meet them tomorrow after school. we're going on a date to an ice cream parlor." yoongi said, smiling softly as he envisioned his baby, jimin, getting super excited.

"that's cute!" jeongguk said happily.

"mhm. now watch the damn movie, you've been talking to me twenty whole minutes." yoongi muttered.

"if you hate me and don't like talking to me, you can tell me ya know. butthole." jeongguk said, sticking his tongue out at yoongi, only causing him to stare unamused at the younger before turning his eyes back to the screen.

"good morning, taehyung." namjoon said, watching his favorite student walk in; but he wouldn't tell anyone that.

he treated taehyung normally during class, trying not to favorite him over everyone else, but outside of class he loved the boy like his own son or little brother.

taehyung was always early for class, which gave him and namjoon time to talk about whatever.

"good morning joonie!" he said happily, setting his color coordinated notebooks and pencils on his desk neatly, laying everything out and opening his notebook to a clean page before making his way over to namjoon's desk, sitting down in a chair across from him.

it was routine for them both.

"how was your weekend? what'd you do?" namjoon asked, handing taehyung a chocolate from his goodie jar.

"i finished the book i was reading. it was sad, really. it wasn't the happy ending i was hoping for. but that's okay. my brother and i also went shopping, we bought a ton of new clothes." taehyung explained, unwrapping the chocolate and setting it on his tongue, letting it melt in his mouth slightly before chewing it.

"oh, that's too bad. do you need any new recommendations?" namjoon asked, opening his desk drawer and pulling out a new stack of books.

taehyung's eyes widened as he picked them up, looking through them. his fingers traced their delicate spines, as he flipped through the pages with his nimble fingers.

"thanks, joonie. i can always count on you to find me new books!" he said with a wide smile.

"you're welcome taehyung. i like what you've done with your makeup today." he said, watching as the younger blushed from the compliment, his self esteem boosting up for the day.

"thank you."

the bell had began to ring, so taehyung quickly ran to his desk and set his new books down on the floor beside his feet.

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