epilogue ♡!

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taehyung looked up, smiling as his daughter clumsily ran into the kitchen, attacking his legs in a hug.

"hi honey, how was school?" he asked, lifting her up from the ground onto his hip.

"good! i made paper planes with mrs. kelly!" she said.

"awe, that's awesome!! where is your brother?" he asked, kissing her cheek and setting the whisk in his hand down.

"he's with daddy, he can't get his shoe off." she explained.

"ah, i see." taehyung smiled, carrying her over to the front door. there was jeongguk, kneeling down and trying to untie their sons shoe.

"jihwan, what did you get into now?" taehyung asked, giggling as he saw that his shoelaces were tied at least six times.

he looked up, smiling at the sight of his mommy. "channie tied my shoes like this at recess!!" he explained.

jeongguk huffed, taking out the last knot and pulling off jihwan's shoes.

taehyung smiled, looking up at his husband and kissing him sweetly.

jeongguk kissed him back with a smile, rubbing his back.

"how was work?" taehyung asked, setting areum down. she ran off and went to go find yeontan and captain.

"it was good. and for you?" jeongguk asked, wrapping his arms fully around him and swaying back and forth.

taehyung smiled, kissing his nose. "great. gucci contacted me." he said proudly.

jeongguk's eyes widened. "what?? no way!" he said.

taehyung nodded happily. "mhm! and they want me to design something for them!!"

jeongguk laughed, lifting him off the ground. "that's amazing! you've always wanted to work for gucci." he said, setting him down.

taehyung giggled, smiling brightly and hugging him tight.

these past seven years had really paid off for them. jeongguk graduated with a football scholarship and went to his dream college, majoring in literature. he now taught college students as an english professor.

taehyung graduated a year later, going across the country to study at a high class design school to be a fashion designer. it was difficult for the both of them due to the distance, but they made it work.

they would facetime every night, visit each other twice a month, and send letters back and forth all the time.

once they graduated, they reunited in their home town. jin and namjoon got married and moved into a fancy downtown loft. jin's restaurant became one of the top restaurants in their city, and namjoon became principal of their old high school.

yoongi is now a producer and songwriter, hoseok and jimin went along to become professional dance instructors. the trio were still together, traveling the world with each other.

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