chapter thirty-one ♡!

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when taehyung was finally home, jin had attacked him with hugs and welcome home kisses.

"how was the trip??" jin asked, him and taehyung now sitting on the couch all bundled up with hot cocoa filled mugs resting in their hands.

yeontan was snuggled up to taehyung, missing the boy dearly.

"it was so much fun! the cabin and the town was so beautiful, and jeongguk introduced me to a childhood friend and then jeongguk got a dog and we went hiking and sledding and fishing and it was awesome!" taehyung said, grinning.

jin smiled, ruffling taehyung's hair. "that's good, i'm glad you had fun. what was the cabin like?" he asked.

"there were two separate cabins, jeongguk and i had one all to ourselves." taehyung explained.

"ooh, did y'all do the dirty?" jin asked, wiggling his eyebrows.

taehyung blushed, not saying anything as he looked at his lap. jin gasped loudly, standing up.

"no way!! you actually did it!" jin exclaimed.

taehyung blushed even more. "okay fine! yes, we did. it was bound to happen eventually!" he whined.

"my baby is all grown up for real now." jin cried, burying his face in taehyung's neck.

"hyungieeee~" taehyung said, lightly pushing him away.

"don't make a big deal out of this please, i'm not grown up yet, i'm still your little brother." he said, smiling.

"i know, but one more year of high school and then you're off on your own for college. it's scary. you're like my own kid, since i've raised you all my life." he frowned.

"i know, but i'll always come running here if you need me!" taehyung said, grinning.

jin smiled as well, hugging him tight.

"i love you tae."

"i love you too hyung!"

jin and taehyung had celebrated taehyung's birthday over the weekend, and now taehyung was back at school. it felt odd to be gone for so long and come back to see everyone again.

especially when taehyung didn't have that many friends.

nobody went up to taehyung to ask how his break was or what he did.

he sighed, approaching his locker. he put his coat, mittens, and hat inside as well as his bag, and only a mere two seconds later he was attacked in a tight hug by a small figure.

taehyung immediately knew who it was.

"jiminie!!" he said, squeezing him tightly.

"oh taehyungie! i missed you so much!!" jimin wailed, hugging his best friend so tight that he couldn't breathe.

"i missed you more!" taehyung said, nuzzling his face in jimin's neck.

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