chapter thirteen ♡!

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3 weeks later

"where are you taking me?" taehyung asked as jimin dragged him along into his backyard. it was already dark out, around 9 pm on a thursday. they had friday off for the homecoming game and then saturday was the dance.

"don't question it!" jimin said, opening the gate and pulling him inside.

he was greeted by fairy lights strung up in the trees and on top of the fence, music playing throughout the area.

the whole group was there, either sitting at the picnic bench next to the tree or around a small fire in a firepit. a checkered blanket was thrown over the picnic table with bowls of snacks and drinks, a large screen hanging from the fence with a projector a few yards away.

"what... is this?" taehyung asked, seeing namjoon and hoseok standing over by the projector, trying to figure out how to pull up a movie.

jin was standing at the picnic table, arranging more foods.

yoongi and jeongguk were sitting by the fire, talking quietly.

"we're throwing a homecoming weekend party!! just with us though." jimin said.

"oh.." taehyung said, looking around at everyone.

"come on, we're about to play bags." he said, letting go and running over to help hoseok and namjoon with the projector.

taehyung wasn't as upbeat as he should've been. he still didn't have a homecoming date and it was only two days away.

the party itself was so cute and relaxing but he couldn't help but to sulk. celebrating for something he wouldn't be going to. he wasn't going to go with jimin this year because he wanted to go with his boyfriends since it was their senior year and they would be gone next year.

taehyung walked over to the table, grabbing some animal crackers and putting them in a clear cup. "hey, hyung." he said with a smile, looking at his brother.

"hi taehyung! welcome. i'm glad jimin woke you up. you're going to bed too early." jin said with a laugh.

"i was tired." he pouted.

"i'm sorry, you can sleep in after this though, since you don't have school tomorrow." jin said.

"yeah, that's true." taehyung said, munching on an animal cracker.

"babe, come here!" namjoon called out.

"i'll be right back." he said, walking over to namjoon to see what the problem was.

taehyung sighed, sitting down at the picnic table and staring off into space, feeding himself an animal cracker every thirty seconds.

jeongguk noticed this, excusing himself from his conversation with yoongi and standing up, walking over to sit next to taehyung.

"hey." he said with a smile.

taehyung snapped out of his trance, looking up at jeongguk. "hi." he murmured.

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