chapter twelve ♡!

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this chapter is a bit longer!

"awe, he kissed your cheek?" jimin asked, smiling and clapping his hands together excitedly.

him and taehyung were currently sitting on taehyung's bed, it was still saturday, right after the date taehyung invited jimin for a sleepover so he could gush about the date with jeongguk.

"yes! it felt so tingly." taehyung said, giggling.

jimin grinned, hugging taehyung tightly. "i'm so happy for you!!" he said.

"thanks." taehyung muttered, blushing.

they were both dressed head to toe in animal onesies. taehyung was wearing a tiger one, and jimin was wearing a dog one.

they had found them at the store a few months ago and bought them just so they could wear them together.

"guys, come downstairs. i've got a movie on!" jin yelled. both of them shot up, sprinting downstairs with their hands intertwined.

"what movie??" taehyung asked excitedly, him and jimin plopping down on the couch and snuggling up to each other.

"hairspray." jin said, handing them the bowl of popcorn.

"ooh, i love this movie!" jimin exclaimed, munching on some popcorn.

"me too. zac efron is hot." taehyung said, giggling as he grabbed a handful of popcorn and started to eat them one by one.

"you know who's hotter?" jimin asked, smirking.

jin looked over as well, raising an eyebrow.

"who..?" taehyung questioned.

"jeongguk!" they answered simultaneously.

taehyung blushed deeply, looking at his lap. "shush." he muttered. they both laughed, jimin nudging him and cuddling him.

"we're just teasing you~" jimin said, wrapping his arms around taehyung's waist.

the younger rolled his eyes, focusing on the movie and humming along whenever they broke into song.

the night itself lasted for awhile, after watching two more movies, the three of them went into the kitchen to make cookies and then stayed up even longer talking about random things and gossip.

jin complained about how he didn't see namjoon enough, which made the younger boys roll their eyes. he quickly defended himself by saying, "you guys see your boyfriends every day! don't get annoyed when i talk about never seeing him!"

and then taehyung rebutted, "i don't have a boyfriend, this doesn't apply to me."

the night when on like this until the three of them passed out on the floor of the living room, in a blanket fort they had built, at 3 in the morning.

when taehyung went back to school on monday, he was greeted by a vulgar message on a sticky note that spilled out of his locker and fell to the ground by his foot.

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