chapter fifteen ♡!

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"i get to chaperone! i'm so excited. i brought a ton of food and snacks from the restaurant." jin said, practically bouncing in his seat as he drove to the school.

"we know, i can smell it." taehyung said, crinkling his nose. there was a ton of food with him in the back, some of it in crockpots and some of it in ziploc baggies.

jeongguk laughed from the front seat, looking into the back to see all of the food. "jin hyung, don't you think that's a bit much? it's just homecoming." he said.

"honey, you should see me at prom. well, i've never chaperoned prom before because this is taehyung's first year where he has prom but trust me, i'll bring three times as much then." jin said.

"hyungie you're crazy! you'd have the whole backseat filled to the top with food!" taehyung exclaimed.

"i know! that's my plan!" jin replied.

when they arrived at the front entrance of their school, they could see groups of people walking in, all dressed up.

taehyung got out and helped jeongguk out of the car, handing him his crutches again. "thank you, tae." he said with a cute smile.

"you're welcome!" he replied.

"do you need any help jinnie hyung?" taehyung asked, turning to see him grabbing things from the backseat.

"no it's alright, i can make trips back if i need to." he said.

"okay, we'll see you in there then!" taehyung said before walking away with jeongguk.

"are you nervous?" jeongguk asked taehyung as they walked down the hall.

"yes... a little bit." he answered honestly, seeing a huge line in the hallway near the entrance of the gym.

"great, now we have to wait." jeongguk said with a sigh.

"it just shows how stupid high schoolers are when they have to send police to detect our breath for alcohol." taehyung muttered.

jeongguk laughed, taking one of his crutches and holding it with his other arm, wrapping his now free arm around taehyung's waist.

taehyung blushed, a soft smile appearing on his face as he looked up at jeongguk. the older smiled back, admiring his pretty face before looking away.

the line was moving up slowly, and suddenly jeongguk's name was called.

they both looked over, seeing yugyeom and jackson. taehyung immediately tensed as did jeongguk. he tightened his grip on his waist, pulling him closer to his body.

they walked over, both dressed in black suits. "what are you doing here?" yugyeom asked with a smile.

"i'm going to prom." he answered coldly.

"well duh. isn't your leg really messed up? are you allowed to be out and about?" jackson asked.

"i have crutches and a cast." he said, pulling up his pant leg to reveal the cast.

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