chapter twenty-three ♡!

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2 weeks before christmas day

"yay! it's finally winter break!!" taehyung said, jumping around as him and jeongguk walked outside of school to the parking lot.

there was currently about an inch of snow on the ground, and the air was cold and piercing.

luckily taehyung had bundled up extra warm with a thick sweater and a fluffy winter coat. he also had pink mittens on and snow boots with little white puffballs hanging off the laces.

jeongguk smiled, watching his boyfriend jump around and skip towards the car.

"be careful baby, it's slippery." he said, approaching him and grabbing taehyung's mitten clad hand.

taehyung smiled sheepishly, holding tightly onto jeongguk as they made their way to his car.

"you coming over to mine?" jeongguk asked.


they got into the car, jeongguk starting it and driving off towards his house. he reached out his hand, and taehyung took off his mittens so his fingers could intertwine with his own.

jeongguk smiled, squeezing his hand and rubbing his thumb against the back of taehyung's palm.

"can i help you decorate for christmas?" taehyung asked hopefully, looking up at jeongguk.

"of course baby, we've been meaning to hang up ornaments on the tree." he hummed.

they arrived at jeongguk's house, taehyung getting out with his bag slung over his shoulder. he waited for jeongguk so he could unlock the door, his body shivering from the cold.

"ggukie hurry!! it's so cold." he whined.

"i know honey, one second." he said, finding his backpack in the back and then locking the car, jogging up to the door, pulling out his keys and unlocking it.

taehyung and jeongguk quickly stumbled inside, kicking off their snow covered shoes and taking off their coats as they felt the warmth of the house envelope them in a welcoming embrace.

jeongguk approached taehyung, wrapping an arm around his waist while the other hand cupped his cheek.

taehyung smiled, looking up at jeongguk with starry eyes.

"your cheeks are cold to the touch." jeongguk said, caressing his cheek with his thumb to warm it up. he leaned in and pressed a kiss to taehyung's red nose, warming taehyung's skin.

taehyung blushed, his heart fluttering as he closed his eyes and leaned into jeongguk's touch.

the older smiled, kissing his lips this time.

they were soft and smooth, and felt feathery as taehyung kissed him back. the kiss was slow, innocent.

jeongguk pulled away, his smile widening as he saw taehyung's eyes still closed, lips parted and cheeks rosy pink.


taehyung's eyes fluttered open and he grinned widely, his box smile on display.

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