chapter thirty-four ♡!

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"i um... i like jeongguk."

taehyung stood still for a moment, blinking and staring at chanyeol, confusion swirling his thoughts.

jeongguk overheard from the couch, eyes widening as he glanced at jimin and then at tae.

"what?" taehyung asked, unsure if he heard him right.

"i like jeongguk. a lot. and i've liked him for a long time and it's too hard to hide any longer." chanyeol said.

"why... why are you telling me this?" taehyung asked.

"because i have more to say." chanyeol replied, closing his eyes as a look of pain washed over his face.

"okay..." taehyung muttered, glancing over at jeongguk who was just watching with confused eyes.

"i wrote the note. the one in your locker. i'm sorry. i'm so so sorry. i was jealous and angry and i wasn't thinking and i thought hurting you would make it better. but i didn't mean what i said. i swear on my life. it was just nonsense i wrote down that reflected on my own thoughts about myself. i'm ashamed of how i feel but i can't help it, i can't help it that i'm gay even though i hate it." chanyeol said, eyes teary.

taehyung was just staring at him with wide eyes, a single tear running down his face.

"did you even consider how painful that was for me??" taehyung asked brokenly.

"no, i didn't. fuck, taehyung. i'm so sorry. my stupid crush clouded my mind." he said.

taehyung's bottom lip quivered as he quickly wiped away his tear.

"jeongguk's here right now, he's listening. why don't you tell this to him?" taehyung said, sniffling.

jeongguk got up and quickly walked over to taehyung, cupping his face and wiping his tears. "it's okay." he whispered, kissing taehyung's forehead.

"jeongguk..." chanyeol started but the quarterback glared at him.

"you're an asshole. do you know how much pain you caused for him?! he deals with enough bullying and shit from everyone else and you made it worse. all because you're jealous?! that's fucking low." jeongguk growled, pointing an accusing finger at chanyeol.

"do you think i don't know that? i do!! and i fucking screwed up. but i didn't mean any of the terrible things i said on that note. that's why i came here, to apologise. even if i don't get forgiveness, i don't care. i just want you both to know i'm sorry." chanyeol cried.

taehyung was lightly sniffling, staring at chanyeol. he thought for a long moment, glancing at an angry looking jeongguk.

taehyung walked up to chanyeol, the football player staring down at him with confused eyes.

taehyung did something surprising, that stunned everybody.

he gave chanyeol a hug.

chanyeol gasped, freezing for a moment before a broken sob escaped his lips, wrapping his shaking arms around taehyung and hugging him back. "i'm so sorry." he sobbed, voice muffled.

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