chapter eight ♡!

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"what is it?" yoongi asked, confused. before jeongguk could reply, he heard them.

"hey look. it's the two gay boys. whatcha guys doing? here on a date or something? what's in there?" jackson asked, snickering as he reached forward and snatched a bag out of taehyung's hand.

"that." jeongguk muttered through gritted teeth.

taehyung's face was red as he tried to retrieve the bag. "stop it!" he said frantically, watching as he opened the bag and pulled the clothing item out.

"a skirt?! what the fuck?? femboy at its finest. little gay boy wearing a skirt. idiot. only girls wear this shit." jackson said, throwing the skirt towards the trash only for it to be caught in midair by jeongguk.

"that's enough, jackson." jeongguk said, handing the skirt back to taehyung. tears were in his eyes, jimin standing behind him and watching with narrowed eyes.

"oh, you're here too?" jackson asked, finding the situation amusing. "did you know this dumbass wore skirts?!" he asked.

"yeah. i did. i bought it for him. got a problem with that? he can wear skirts if he wants to. and he's not a dumbass. he's smarter than you, idiot." jeongguk said angrily, glaring at jackson.

the males smirk faltered slightly, looking between the two of them.

"jeongguk, just leave it alone." taehyung said softly, tugging on his sleeve.

jeongguk looked down at the boy, looking into his watery eyes. he knew taehyung didn't want to be around them anymore, and it just would've gotten worse if he continued arguing with jackson so he listened to taehyung.

"let's go get some food." he muttered, sending another glare towards jackson and his friends who were sitting at the table, watching.

they headed into the pretzel shop, the trio waiting for them. "does this happen a lot?" yoongi asked softly, looking at taehyung.

the boy nodded, refraining from making eye contact as he looked down at his shoes.

"what would you like? i'll order for you." jeongguk said quietly, placing a hand on the small of taehyung's back, noticing the blush that appeared on his face.

"j-just a normal pretzel with cheese. and not the spicy cheese." taehyung said, looking up into jeongguk's eyes.

"okay." he replied, smiling softly.

once they were done ordering, they found a table far away from jackson's and all sat down, eagerly eating their pretzels.

"every time i get pretzels here, it's amazing." jimin said, shoving a pretzel bite into his mouth. taehyung nodded in agreement, his cheeks puffing out as he stuffed a piece into his mouth as well.

"so! taehyung, are you thinking of going to homecoming with anyone?" hoseok asked not-so-subtly.

jeongguk shot him a look but hoseok ignored it.

taehyung blushed, shaking his head. "n-no, it's still a couple of months away too, i haven't really thought about it." he said shyly.

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