chapter twenty-two ♡!

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2 weeks later

"ggukie! put me down!" taehyung shrieked, his hands in jeongguk's hair and tugging on it. he was currently on jeongguk's shoulders, and they were walking around taehyung's backyard.

"ouch! stop pulling my hair!" he said.

"i will if you put me down!!" he squeaked.

"baby it's okay, i've got you." jeongguk laughed, holding tightly onto taehyung's thighs and walking towards the big tree in the corner of the yard.

they were messing around with a kite and it got stuck in the tree.

taehyung shakily reached up towards the branch, his fingers only inches away. he huffed, trying harder but being unable to grab the kite.

"it's too high!"

"stand up." jeongguk said.

"no no no! no way!!" taehyung cried, wrapping his arms around jeongguk's neck and clinging to him.

"okay, okay." jeongguk chuckled, letting taehyung down.

"how about this? we stand on the picnic table and i lift you up." jeongguk recommended.

"that sounds much better." taehyung said, watching as jeongguk dragged the picnic table underneath the branch. they climbed on top, and jeongguk grabbed taehyung by his waist and lifted him up as high as he could.

taehyung stretched out his arm and gripped the small bow tail of the kite, tugging it down. "i got it!" he said.

jeongguk set him down, both of them smiling and exchanging a high five.

taehyung started rolling up the string, folding the kite in place and setting it in the shed.

"that took way longer than it should've." taehyung said with a sigh, helping jeongguk put the table back in its original spot.

"hey, babe?" jeongguk said, his voice sounding low and less cheery than before.

"yeah? what's wrong ggukie?" he asked, seeing the dejected look on his boyfriends face.

jeongguk motioned him over, so he sat down on a patch of grass and tugged jeongguk down beside him.

"i know it's not the end of the school year yet but... i want you to know that i got accepted into a college. i will probably take a gap year so i can stay here while you finish senior year." he explained.

taehyung nodded, holding onto jeongguk's hand.

"the gap year isn't set in stone though. i don't want to get your hopes up. the good thing is that the university is only a few hours away." jeongguk said.

"i'm proud of you ggukie, you don't have to worry about me." taehyung whispered, smiling widely.

"thank you babe. i just wanted you to know in advance. and if i don't take the gap year, i'm not gonna break up with you. i know so many couples do that when the other goes off to college but i don't want to do that. i know we can make it work." jeongguk added.

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