chapter nine ♡!

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taehyung woke up, confused. he remembered falling asleep at jimin's place but he didn't remember coming home.

he checked the time, luckily it was early and he wouldn't be late for school.

as he made his way downstairs, he heard quiet chatter and giggling from his older brother. jin was in the kitchen, on the phone with someone.

jin noticed taehyung walk in, telling the person he was talking to to wait for a second.

"good morning! how'd you sleep?" he asked, watching a sleepy taehyung open the fridge to retrieve the milk.

"good, how'd i get home last night?" he asked, grabbing the cereal box from the cupboard as well as a bowl, dumping it into the bowl and then adding the milk.

"oh, that handsome friend of yours carried you home. it was so sweet and romantic, you should've seen how cute you guys were!!" jin said, squealing.

"j-jeongguk carried me home??" he asked, blushing deeply.

jin nodded as a reply.

dang it, he didn't have to do that! why didn't he just wake me up? taehyung thought, sighing and feeling queasy from embarrassment.

"who are you talking to?" taehyung asked, jumping up onto the counter and sitting with his cereal in his lap.

"uh, no one." jin said, looking away.

"is it namjoonie??" he questioned.

"pfft!! why would you think it's namjoon! that's crazy..." jin said, laughing a little too loudly.

taehyung smiled, poking jin's shoulder. "it is!!" he said, snatching the phone from jin's hands and putting it up to his ear.

"hi joonie!"

a deep chuckle was heard, and then a sigh. "hi, taehyung. how are you?" namjoon's voice asked through the speaker.

"i'm good, how are you??" taehyung asked, jin waiting impatiently with his arms crossed.

"i'm pretty good. just getting my things ready for classes today." he explained.

"oh, well have fun! i'll give you back to jinnie now." he said, handing over the phone.

jin tsked and walked away, continuing his conversation with namjoon.

taehyung finished his cereal and ran upstairs to get ready for school, wearing one of his new sweaters with some skinny jeans.

he wouldn't dare wear the skirt to school, only on weekends or outside of school. he knew he would be made fun of.

he really wanted to at the same time, though. he thought it was the prettiest thing and wanted to show it off to the world and feel pretty in it but because of society, he couldn't.

he didn't understand why it was so bad for men to wear women's clothing and vice versa. it's just clothing. there shouldn't be an assigned gender to a piece of fabric and some thread.

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