chapter fourteen ♡!

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taehyung stood up from his spot as the ref blew the whistle. the pile of players quickly scrambled off of jeongguk, and he was rolling around on the ground in pain, clutching his leg which seemed to be bent in a weird way.

"taehyung wait!" jimin said as the boy sprinted down the steps and out onto the field. some teachers tried to stop him but he kept running until he was next to the crowd of players around jeongguk.

he pushed through them and fell to his knees beside jeongguk who was groaning in pain.

"jeongguk, it's okay." he said shakily, taking his hand in his as a medic observed jeongguk's leg.

"t-taehyung what are you doing here?" he asked, staring up at him with confused eyes before he screamed in pain again, the medic had pressed on a sensitive spot on his leg.

"shh, just look at me." he said, squeezing his hand tightly and using the other hand to brush his sweaty hair out of his face.

jeongguk was breathing heavily, his eyes locking onto taehyung's pretty face.

it relaxed him, sent a wave of reassurance through him since he knew that there was someone he liked by his side.

his pain subsided just a little bit as taehyung held onto his hand. he tried to focus on the fingers running through his hair, somewhat zoning out the pain of his leg.

it worked, his breathing slowing down as he blinked tiredly. he admired every inch of taehyung's gorgeous face, especially the cute mole on his nose.

"jeongguk, we're going to take you to the hospital now." the medic said.

he was suddenly lifted up by some of his teammates. minho was on one side, an arm around his waist and holding his leg off the ground while chanyeol held his other side.

jeongguk hissed, walking on one foot as everyone in the stadium stood up and clapped since he had gotten up. his leg was pretty messed up but other than that he was okay.

taehyung followed after them, but as soon as they arrived at the ambulance the emt's told him he couldn't come with.

"i'm his friend!" taehyung argued, trying to pull out of their grasp. they were holding him back, holding onto him so tightly that it hurt.

"let me go!!" he shouted, feeling overwhelmed as they tugged him away from the ambulance and shoved him back. he stumbled and almost fell but chanyeol was there to catch him.

"hey, don't touch him like that!" jeongguk's voice said from inside the ambulance.

taehyung frowned, watching as the emt's got into the ambulance and it drove away.

he realized he was still in chanyeol's hold so he quickly stood up. "sorry..." he murmured.

"it's fine. you should probably go to the hospital and be there for him." chanyeol said, nudging taehyung's shoulder.

"..why are you being nice to me?" he asked.

"what do you mean?" chanyeol asked, tilting his head in confusion.

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