chapter twenty-five ♡!

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"stop!!! don't take another step!!" taehyung shouted, running up and trying to close the bedroom door.

"babe i need pants." jeongguk chuckled, holding the door open with one hand easily while taehyung was using his whole weight to try and close it.

"i'm wrapping your presents! you can't see!" he whined.

"i'll look away i promise." he said.

"nope! stay out there. i'll get them for you." taehyung said, walking over to jeongguk's closet and grabbing some sweatpants off the hanger. he went back to the door, opening it slightly and handing them to him.

"thank you baby. my mom is forcing us to shovel the driveway since she could barely get out this morning." he said.

"okay, i'll be out in a few minutes!" he said, closing the door and running back over to jeongguk's bed. he finished wrapping his last two presents.

earlier that day they had left the house since it was done snowing and went to the store. taehyung bought all of his friends and family presents and was now wrapping them.

he had gotten jeongguk and him matching couples bracelets, as well as another vinyl to add to his collection and finally, some makeup. he didn't know if jeongguk would like it but he's been planning on teaching him how to do makeup.

he had also gotten some new cooking utensils as well as a romantic drama book for jin, since he knew his brother was a dramatic person who loved reading romance novels.

for jimin, he purchased candy and some new clothes for him. he wasn't really sure what to get jimin, because he didn't really have a favorite interest. his interests were all over the place.

he bought fluffy socks and snacks for yoongi, as well as a neck pillow because he knew the boy loved to sleep.

and for hoseok, he bought him sunglasses and some necklaces/accessories to go with his cool fashion style.

once he finished wrapping, he organized them all neatly and put everyone's names on them before leaving jeongguk's room.

he went downstairs and saw jeongguk sitting on the couch watching the tv, so he walked over and climbed onto his lap.

"hi baby, did you finish wrapping?" jeongguk asked, wrapping his arms around taehyung's waist.

"mhm! all done!" he exclaimed, smiling.

"good, i missed you." jeongguk said, smiling as well as he pulled taehyung in for a kiss.

the younger blushed, cupping jeongguk's face in his hands and kissing him back shyly.

"enough smooches you two, get your coats and gloves on and go shovel!" jeongguk's mom shouted.

jeongguk groaned, resting his head on taehyung's shoulder.

"come on ggukie, let's go!" taehyung said, getting up and pulling jeongguk along.

they dressed into thick coats and gloves, as well as their snow boots.

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