chapter twenty-eight ♡!

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"he's so cute." taehyung cooed, holding a happy pup in his lap. the pitbull was licking his face, causing taehyung to giggle.

"i don't regret a single thing." jeongguk said, pulling up to the cabin.

"what are your parents gonna think?" taehyung asked, unbuckling.

"well, they've always wanted a dog. so... hopefully they'll be fine with it!" he said, causing taehyung to laugh.

they got out, taehyung setting captain down in the snow. he limped around excitedly, sniffing the ground and running all over the front yard.

jeongguk smiled, catching up to him and lifting him into his arms. "let's go introduce you!" he said, walking into the left cabin with taehyung trailing behind.

"mom, dad!" he called out.

they came from the kitchen, gasping. "oh my goodness, who is this cutie??" his mom asked, walking over and looking at the puppy.

"i may or may not have impulsively adopted this little guy from the puppy shop." he said, laughing awkwardly.

"well he's just too adorable! you can keep him as long as you take care of him." she said.

"yay!" jeongguk said, turning captain around to face him. "we're gonna have to make you a back leg."

"ooh! we can make him one of those cool wheel prosthetics!!" taehyung said, jumping from excitement.

jeongguk laughed, kissing his cheek. "mhm, then he will be able to run and walk around all he wants!" he said.

"well then, we're heading down to the lake for fishing at 4 o'clock, so if you wanna come just head over." jeongguk's mom said.

"okay, we will." he said, leading taehyung back to their own cabin.

once they got inside, jeongguk set captain down. he limped around, sniffing and exploring their cabin. taehyung took off his coat, mittens, hat, and boots, and he trotted over to the couch.

jeongguk followed suit, plopping down next to him and pulling him into his arms.

taehyung snuggled up to his chest, smiling softly.

"this place is so nice, i wanna live here." taehyung muttered, watching captain clumsily run around.

"i know, it's really pretty all year round. in the summer, it's so much fun to go swimming and kayaking, and in fall the town has a huge annual festival. they have things like pie eating contests, pumpkin carving, free apple cider, music in the central plaza, and a ton of other things. it's like a town straight from a fairy tale." jeongguk explained.

"wow, that's awesome! maybe when i'm older i'll come live here!" taehyung said.

jeongguk smiled, rubbing his side. "wanna come live here with me someday?" he asked softly.

taehyung blushed, nodding as he looked up at jeongguk. "yes please." he whispered.


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