chapter twenty-seven ♡!

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"bye jinnie hyung, i'll miss you." taehyung pouted, hugging his brother tightly.

"bye taehyungie, it'll only be a few days, don't worry! but i'll miss you too." he said, rubbing his back and kissing his cheek.

they continued hugging for a minute or two before taehyung let go, finding yeontan and bidding him a kiss goodbye, before waving and grabbing his suitcase. he left the house, seeing jeongguk in the driveway and leaning against his car.

"good morning baby." he said, helping him put his suitcase in the trunk.

"good morning ggukie! are we riding separately from your parents?" he asked, getting into the passenger seat and buckling up.

"yeah, there wouldn't have been room anyways. my mom brought the whole house with her." he chuckled.

"oh my, women always need so many things." taehyung giggled.

"i know. i don't understand it." he sighed.

jeongguk drove off from his house and got onto the highway after picking up drinks and snacks at the gas station. they had soft christmas tunes playing from the radio, taehyung smiling and sipping on his iced coffee as he looked out the window at the snowy land.

"gguk it's so pretty! it's like a winter wonderland!" he said, pressing his face against the cold window.

jeongguk smiled, glancing at taehyung from time to time.

"just wait until we get to the cabin, it's even prettier there."

jeongguk was right.

as soon as they pulled up the snowy hill and into the driveway of the cabins, taehyung was in awe. the whole ride up was gorgeous, snow packed trees glistened in the early morning sun, on the side of the mountain was a beautiful partially frozen river with waterfalls, the water mostly frozen and shiny icicles hanging from the cliffs and frozen water.

deer and elk ran through the trees on the sides of the mountain, and beautiful blood red cardinals flew from tree to tree, singing their song.

"oh ggukie, it's beautiful!" taehyung said as he got out of the car, admiring the brown log cabins in front of them and the dark green pine trees surrounding the place.

jeongguk smiled, getting out and walking over to taehyung. "i know right? it never gets old." he sighed, kissing taehyung's warm cheek before going back to the car. he opened the trunk, grabbing their suitcases and carrying them up to the right cabin.

their cabin was a bit smaller than the other, but it was just as charming.

"wow, it's so nice in here." taehyung said, entering the cabin and looking around.

it was cozy and quaint. there was a fireplace in the living room, a couch and two chairs surrounding it with a soft rug on the floor. behind the living room was a small kitchen and then parallel to the front door was the bedroom and bathroom.

taehyung walked into the bedroom, instantly smiling. there was a cute soft blue quilt comforter on top of a queen sized bed, more soft blankets off to the side. there was a door that led out to a small deck in the back, as well as a fireplace opposite from the bed.

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