chapter ten ♡!

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"come on!!!" jimin said, tugging taehyung out of his bed.

"jiminie stop! i'm trying to nap, let me sleep." he whined, holding tightly onto his sheets to keep him atop of his mattress.

"jeongguk will be there."

taehyung's eyes flew open, he turned and sat up to look at jimin. "r-really??" he asked, his heart fluttering at just the thought of the older boy.

this whole week jeongguk had been walking him to class, his hand always resting on either the small of his back or his waist.

they'd ask each other about their morning or what they were planning on doing after school, or talk about their current class assignments.

"earth to taehyung."

"s-sorry, what?" he asked, looking up at his best friend.

jimin giggled, patting taehyung's head and pulling him into a hug. "you're so cute taehyungie! let's get you ready!!" jimin said, kissing his cheek before running over to taehyung's closet.

the younger smiled, following jimin as they looked for an outfit.

jimin and taehyung had been inseparable since they were babies, always doing things together. their bond was super strong, and nothing ever got in the way of their friendship. not even when jimin would get a boyfriend and now in this case, boyfriends.

he'd still make time for taehyung, even if it meant bringing him along on dates with yoongi and hoseok.

they loved each other dearly and wouldn't ask for anyone else to be their best friend. sometimes they would be mistaken for a couple because they were always holding hands and kissing each other's cheeks but it was simply platonic, their love and admiration for each other so strong.

"how about this?" jimin questioned, holding up a pair of white shorts and a pretty lilac sweater.

taehyung nodded happily, taking the outfit and skipping into the bathroom. jimin had wanted to bring taehyung bowling with him and his boyfriends, and jeongguk.

as taehyung was changing he gasped, having the perfect idea.

"jinnie!!" he called out.

his brother came up the stairs, into his room. "what?" he asked.

taehyung appeared out of the bathroom, running up to his brother. "jinnie hyung, wanna come bowling with us?? you can invite namjoonie hyung too!! please!!" taehyung said, tugging on his brothers hands.

jin looked down at him, biting his lip.

"i don't know taehyung, he might be busy." jin said.

"please!!! it'll be fun. even if he doesn't go you can still have fun, we all love you!! and you have to call him first to know if he's busy or not!!" taehyung said, wrapping his arms around jin's waist and begging him with his puppy dog eyes.

"fine. i'll call him." jin said with a sigh, unable to resist his adorable brother.

"yay!!" taehyung said, hugging him tightly before pulling away.

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