chapter four ♡!

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"it's date night!!" jimin said happily, rummaging through taehyung's closet.

"yeah, your date night." taehyung said with a laugh, watching as jimin ran over to the boy and held up a few things to his chest.

"and yours too!!"

"i'm not going on a date!" taehyung said, blushing.

"um, yes you are. jeongguk literally offered to come so you wouldn't fourth wheel."

"yeah but it's not a date." taehyung said again.

"whatever. here, this is the perfect outfit!!" jimin said, handing taehyung black skinny jeans, a black sweatshirt and a gray cap.

taehyung's eyes widened, and he shook his head

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taehyung's eyes widened, and he shook his head. "nu-uh!! where'd you even find that? i'm pretty sure that wasn't in my closet." he said.

"awe come on! why not?" jimin asked.

"it's not me! i don't feel comfortable wearing that. i'm choosing." he said, standing up and stomping over to his closet.

he smiled when he found the perfect outfit. a white shirt, a beige coat and rolled up jeans with striped socks and some white sneakers.

"you always wear stuff like that!" jimin said

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"you always wear stuff like that!" jimin said. "no... i wear sweaters and pants. i don't usually wear coats!" he argued.

"you're difficult."

"no i'm not. i'm just entitled to my opinions." he said, raising his chin.

jimin smiled, adoring how cute taehyung was. "okay, let's go!! yoongi's waiting outside." he said.


taehyung was waiting patiently in line to buy snacks while the other three were in the theater already to get a seat.

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