chapter thirty-five ♡!

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the three boys entered namjoon's classroom, which was empty during this period. he furrowed his eyebrows when he saw the state taehyung was in, quickly getting up and going over.

"what's going on?" he asked, quickly pulling taehyung in for a hug.

taehyung whimpered and cried into his chest, getting his dress shirt all wet and snotty but he didn't care.

jeongguk leaned against the wall, watching his boyfriend with concerned eyes as jimin began to explain.

when jimin finished his explanation, namjoon was furious. "come with me. we're going to talk to the principal about her behaviour." he said, grabbing taehyung's hand.

they all walked to the main office, finding the principals office and going inside.

"hello sir, we'd like to report an abuse of power and unfair punishment." mr. kim said, taehyung sniffling still and wiping his eyes as he held tightly onto namjoon's hand.

"okay, take a seat." mr. bang said.

they all sat down, jeongguk sitting close to taehyung on a small loveseat against the wall and holding him close.

taehyung snuggled into his chest, looking at their principal.

"miss hilton has been punishing these two boys in favour of her homophobia and insulting them." mr. kim stated.

mr. bang nodded, waving his hand for them to elaborate.

taehyung spoke up, "i wished jimin good luck and she shouted at us, giving us a detention and the tests weren't even finished being passed out yet. and when i defended myself by saying that we didn't do anything, she told me to shut my mouth and that she had much more authority over me. then threatened to give me another detention." he pouted.

jeongguk soothingly rubbed his back, whispering encouraging things in his ear and kissing his cheek.

"i started to cry... and i got up to get a kleenex and she yelled at me again. i wasn't doing anything wrong." he said, sniffling.

"after we finished the test, i hugged him to comfort him and she yelled at us yet again, saying we were showing a 'public display of affection' and that two boys together wasn't okay. she then proceeded to say that there was something wrong with us." jimin jumped in, earning a frown from mr. bang.

"this is absurd. how long has this been going on??" mr. bang asked.

"forever. she even told taehyung his hair looked ugly." jimin said.

"thank you for telling me this. i'll be sure to make sure this doesn't happen again. i'll be holding an assembly today during eighth period to discuss this matter of discrimination." he said.

"thank you, si-hyuk." namjoon said, standing up.

"anything i can do to help." he smiled.

jeongguk helped taehyung stand up, leading him out of the office. "you have a study hall right now, correct?"

taehyung nodded softly.

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