chapter nineteen ♡!

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said boy looked over, seeing jeongguk crutching over to his locker. it was wednesday now, and jeongguk was healing slowly. him and taehyung had continued to become closer, texting all day and calling each other as soon as they got home until it was time for bed.

jeongguk made sure taehyung got his sleep and hung up at a reasonable time rather than staying up until 2 am with him on call. he knew better. although taehyung would sometimes complain, he insisted.

"hi ggukie." taehyung said, wrapping his arms around his neck and kissing him sweetly.

jeongguk smiled, kissing him back.

everything about taehyung's day was so much better now that him and jeongguk were together. except for people being fake nice to him since he was dating the most liked guy in the school and the times when he wasn't able to see jeongguk.

they pulled away from the kiss, taehyung still keeping his arms around jeongguk.

"i was wondering if you wanted to come home with me. we both have namjoon for a teacher and i thought you could help me with a project he's assigning." jeongguk said.

"sure, i'll be happy to help! but i have dance practice today.." he mumbled.

"i can come with! i'll watch you and then take you to my place after." he said with a smile.

"okay!" taehyung said, smiling as well. he grabbed his dance bag from his locker as well as his backpack.

they made their way to the dance studio, taehyung slowing his pace to match jeongguk's.

"how was your day today, baby?" jeongguk asked, looking over at him as they walked.

"...not the greatest. everyone was being overly nice to me all of a sudden when they were meanies before." he muttered.

jeongguk sighed, shaking his head. "i'm sorry. they're just fake." he said.

"i know. it just makes me sad that they're trying to get on my good side now that i'm dating you instead of trying to actually be my friend." he mumbled.

they arrived at the dance room, going inside and being greeted by jimin and hoseok.

"hi taehyungie!" jimin said, hugging him tightly.

"hi jiminie." he replied, smiling.

once he pulled away taehyung went to the bench and took off his shoes, setting his school bag down and grabbing his dance clothes before running into the bathroom.

as he was changing, jeongguk set his crutches down and sat next to where taehyung put his things, looking at his cast. it was covered in signatures of all different colors, as well as a cute drawing of a bunny made by taehyung.

it was his favorite part of the cast.

taehyung appeared from the bathroom in some sweatpants and a t-shirt. it always surprised jeongguk how different he looked when he danced.

the clothes he wore and the way he danced just made him look so masculine. it made jeongguk flustered, shy even.

"okay everyone, grab a partner. your job is to create a quick dance to any song of your choice. you have a week to work on it." their instructor said.

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