chapter sixteen ♡!

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taehyung's eyes widened as jeongguk's question echoed through his head.

may i kiss you?

before he could form any coherent words, he nodded his head, answering for him.

as jeongguk leaned in, taehyung's hands tightened their grip on jeongguk's suit, his breath hitching and eyelids fluttering closed.

jeongguk stopped right before their lips touched, taking in taehyung's expression. his eyelashes were brushing against his rosy cheeks, lips slightly parted and eyebrows furrowed.

he smiled and then closed the distance, their soft lips molding together.

taehyung's face became burning hot, butterflies fluttering in his stomach and soaring throughout his whole body as his legs turned to mush.

jeongguk was feeling similar emotions, his heart slamming against his chest and an overwhelming feeling of admiration in his body.

they kissed again, their soft lips swiftly colliding and pulling apart. light 'smooch' sounds were audible as they kissed, taehyung wrapping his arms around jeongguk's neck to bring himself closer.

the slow song had ended, but the two were still kissing passionately.

taehyung absolutely loved the feeling of being in jeongguk's arms. he was so damn manly and muscular, it made him feel warm and protected.

"get a room!" jimin hollered from a few feet away, causing them to pull apart, blushing deeply.

jeongguk glared at jimin, a bit annoyed that he had interrupted their intimate moment.

meanwhile taehyung was blushing deeply, looking anywhere but jeongguk's face and trying to calm his racing heart. he'd never kissed anyone like that before. hell, he'd never kissed anyone in general.

jeongguk noticed how clingy taehyung was to him and it made him smile. he looked down, seeing the boy holding tightly onto his arm and looking around.

taehyung yelped when jimin tugged him away from jeongguk and started dancing with him, to the now upbeat music that was playing.

jeongguk laughed, watching the two dance before grabbing his crutches and walking over to yoongi and hoseok.

yoongi was sitting down on the bottom bleacher with hoseok standing beside him.

"what's going on?" he asked, sitting down beside yoongi.

"i don't understand how jimin has so much energy. i want to go to sleep." yoongi muttered. "babe you're just lazy." hoseok argued, chuckling.

"no, i'm tired." yoongi whined, tugging on hoseok's arm.

"the dance is almost over, we will eat and then you can be home and go to sleep." hoseok reasoned, pulling yoongi's head to his chest and playing with his hair.

"ugh, fine." he mumbled.

jeongguk smiled, crutching over to the food area to see namjoon and jin quietly talking to each other, sipping on punch.

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