(m) chapter thirty-three ♡!

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hi! there is some smut in the beginning of the chapter, just letting you know!

it was raining and lightly thundering outside, yet taehyung's bedroom windows were open because he liked the smell and sound of rain.

he was currently being pinned to the bed, quiet moans and whimpers escaping his lips as jeongguk slowly and deeply thrusted into him, the older male panting and grunting quietly.

sadly, they had to keep it down because jin was downstairs cooking.

their fingers were intertwined, lips pressing together lovingly as taehyung's thighs shook with pleasure, hot white spurting out of his dick with a shaky whimper.

jeongguk came soon after him, pressing a sweet kiss to his sweaty forehead.

after a few minutes, they were laying in bed naked. jeongguk was still hovering over him, pressing kisses to every part of his body. his shoulder, neck, chest, above his navel, his hip bones, the inner parts of his thighs, his knees, his ankles, and then back up to his face.

taehyung was blushing and hiding his face with the blankets the whole time, jeongguk noticing and smiling at him.

one of the reasons they had just had sex was because taehyung felt risky, sending jeongguk a rather provocative photo.

it caused the older to blush madly when he saw the photo, scrambling up from his bed and slipping on his shoes before driving over to taehyung's, almost getting pulled over from speeding

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it caused the older to blush madly when he saw the photo, scrambling up from his bed and slipping on his shoes before driving over to taehyung's, almost getting pulled over from speeding.

jeongguk finished his mini assault of kisses, laying beside taehyung and holding him close against his chest.

"i love you, tae." he whispered. taehyung hummed and nuzzled his head against his, kissing his cheek. "i love you, ggukie."

they rested for awhile, before they somehow were at it again.

taehyung was in jeongguk's lap now, kissing him deeply and whining as he grinded against him.

they were like two horny bunnies, unable to resist each other for some reason. jeongguk's hands slid up and down taehyung's backside, resting on his ass and squeezing it firmly.

taehyung moaned, reaching for the lube and putting more on jeongguk's dick.

"please, let me ride you." he begged, staring into jeongguk's eyes. the older growled a bit, pulling him in for a deep kiss and lining himself up with taehyung's hole, slowly lowering the boy down onto his cock.

taehyung gasped, throwing his head back and slowly rolling his hips, moaning again as he felt jeongguk's dick standing tall inside of him.

jeongguk guided taehyung's hips to grind against him, the younger complying and pressing his hips down and forward, quickly slapping a hand over his own mouth and moaning into it.

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