chapter thirty-six ♡!

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it was finally the weekend, jeongguk and taehyung were sleeping soundly in taehyung's bed, having stayed up late the night before playing overwatch.

it was now 11:30 AM on a saturday, taehyung slowly waking up from the sun glaring down at him through the window. he sat up, rubbing his eyes and checking the time. "oh gosh, i just wasted half of my day away." he murmured to himself, pouting.

he looked down at jeongguk, who had his shirt off with his arm hanging off the side of the bed, soft snores escaping his mouth.

taehyung giggled, climbing on top of him. he gently poked his cheek, staring at him and waiting for him to wake up.

jeongguk eventually stirred in his sleep, groaning as his eyes fluttered open.

"hi." taehyung giggled.

"mm, hey." jeongguk said, voice husky as he tiredly smiled.

"it's already 11:30. we should get up." taehyung muttered, sitting up and straddling jeongguk's waist.

the older stretched and stared up at him with a lazy grin, one of his hands resting on taehyung's thigh. "in a minute, let me admire my boyfriend." he mumbled.

"oh, okay. take your time." taehyung giggled, trailing his hands down jeongguk's torso and feeling his abs underneath his fingers.

jeongguk smiled, caressing his side before pulling him in, kissing him lovingly.

taehyung kissed him back with a smile, before pulling away and getting up.

jeongguk huffed, reaching out and clinging onto his hand. "wait, come back. i want to kiss you more." he begged.

"nope. you'll have to come get me." taehyung teased, walking out of the room while swaying his hips sexily to tease him more.

jeongguk laughed to himself, sighing and getting up, following him out. taehyung was in the kitchen, leaning against the island as jin was cooking. jeongguk walked in and stood beside taehyung, sliding his hand around his waist and then down to his ass, keeping it there.

taehyung blushed but leaned into him, resting his head against his chest.

"good morning, jeongguk." jin said, turning around and smiling at him.

"good morning." he smiled, yawning a bit. he squeezed taehyung's ass, causing the boy to blush even more and hit his chest.

"stop it." taehyung whispered.

"why? you seem to want it, by the way you teased me up there." jeongguk whispered back.

taehyung's face got even more red as he scoffed and turned his face away. jeongguk chuckled, kissing his neck gently.

jin served them breakfast, and they immediately dug into the food.

since they had woken up so late they were starving. and nobody could resist jin's food. he owned a restaurant for goodness sakes, he was like the gordon ramsay of their town.

yeontan was whining and begging taehyung for some food, so he huffed and made him do a few tricks before happily feeding him a bite.

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