chapter seventeen ♡!

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the next morning after homecoming night, taehyung woke up from his stuffie covered bed with the sun shining on his face. he sat up, rubbing his tired eyes and planting his feet on the ground.

he stood up, walking to the bathroom to wash his face and brush his teeth. his hair was a mess, but he just left it as he trotted down the steps to find his brother.

"hyungie?" he called out tiredly.

"i'm in here, tae!" jin's voice called from the living room.

he walked into the living room, still clad in his pajamas. he saw jin on the couch, watching a morning cooking channel.

he walked over and plopped down beside his brother, cuddling up to him. "good morning hyungie." he said.

"good morning." jin said with a smile, wrapping his arm around taehyung.

"how did you sleep?" taehyung asked, watching as the woman on the cooking channel cut slices of fruit.

"good, except i woke up with a stomach ache. i ate too many mcdonald's burgers." he pouted, rubbing his tummy.

"i told you so! you didn't listen." taehyung said, giggling.

"yeah yeah, i know. you were right." he mumbled.

"have you made breakfast?" taehyung asked.

"mhm, there are crepes on the counter." jin said.

"okay! can you drive me to the hospital soon? i wanna go see jeongguk.." he said shyly, blushing as soon as he said his name.

jin chuckled, nodding. "yeah." he said.

he knew how much taehyung liked that boy, and how much jeongguk liked him back.

it made him happy to see that his brother finally found someone that was kind to him and appreciated him for who he was.

taehyung went to the kitchen, grabbing a crepe and biting into it. sweet and savory flavors of fruits filled his mouth as well as whip cream. he hummed, eating more of it and getting fruit juice and whip cream all over his lips.

jin walked into the kitchen, laughing as he saw his brother.

"tae, you've got a little something right there." he said.

"where??" he asked, wiping his cheek only to smear more juice on his face.

"everywhere." jin muttered, grabbing a paper towel and wiping off taehyung's face.

"oh. thank you hyungie." he said, smiling brightly as he looked up at jin.

"you're welcome, now go get ready. i'll pack a crepe for jeongguk." he said, ruffling taehyung's hair.

the boy bounded up the steps, taking a quick shower and deciding to curl his hair a bit. he wore a big pink sweater and some blue shorts, the sweater almost covering them up. he wore some matching pink high knee socks and his white tennis shoes.

after doing some of his makeup, not going all out and sporting more of a minimal, natural look, he was ready. he had some coconut lipgloss on, pink toned eyeshadow and a bit of blush and highlighter as well a thin coat of gel mascara.

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